Pensioners or centerlink recipients

Discussion in 'General Precious Metals Discussion' started by Ozboy, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I think you're missing the point radiobirdman.
  2. radiobirdman

    radiobirdman Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Apr 26, 2011
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    Probably more aimed at willrocks couldn't type quick enough .that said if you cant look after the old why would you look after anyone else

    the oldies have done there time built this country and now some of you want to shaft them ,so you can have a tax break
    the government would only waste any savings on something else ,where all going to be old one day and I want my 50 years of tax back.
    you can give up your pensions if you dont want them
  3. Ghost Story

    Ghost Story Active Member

    Oct 4, 2011
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    here but not there
    the basic philosophy of liberalism is that you got yourself in to this mess you get yourself out.

    these people have no compassion or understanding that there are a multitude of reasons why people are who they are or find themselves in the positions they are in, without understanding of any given situation of circumstances and make a judgement call on how others should be based on their own circumstances.

    maybe this person was being abused at work and didn't want to spend a second there more than necessary, maybe they had chronic fatigue syndrome and time was of the essence to them.

    there are 101 reasons and many more why people find themselves where they are and many are beyond their control and are caused by a dysfunctional society and not the person in question.

    maybe they had been sexually abused for years and have spent many years in some form of addiction and have just started a road to recovery and were overwhelmed with the work place, maybe they........fill in the blanks.

    try and remember there are many reasons and they affect different people in different ways and saying someone of their own volition chooses to live on $300 a week. put yourself out on the street with nothing but $300 and see how you do?

    if our needs are not met from the bottom up it is impossible to reach self actualization. much much more can be added to the subject but look at the chart below and this is how it works.

  4. willrocks

    willrocks Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 10, 2012
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    I think the only people that need shafting is the ever-increasing government, with their ever-increasing tax regime. When the "oldies" were younger they didn't have half the taxes we are burdened with (CGT, GST, Carbon Tax, Fire Levy, Flood Levy ...), and on top of all that we have to pay for our own retirement, and try to compete with debt-money to buy a house.

    The "oldies", as a group, let the country slide into a ponzi banking system, a debt based economy, and a pension system that requires the next generation to be bank and tax slaves.

    I say let the "oldies" use up any capital they might have in their house before being eligible for a pension. Either via a reverse-mortgage, or down-sizing.

    I don't think it's fair that the "oldies" were forced / fooled into a ponzi pension scheme. But ask yourself, is it really fair to steal from this generation to continue that ponzi scheme?
  5. bordsilver

    bordsilver Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 23, 2012
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    The rocks
    Peace people. Let's all vote for ineptocracy as the best system:

  6. errol43

    errol43 New Member Silver Stacker

    Apr 13, 2010
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    People who assume that I have not read any of her works would be completely wrong..I daresay that you have never seen my library of books... Including a whole set of books which were sold at the times, 'The books that changed man kinds thinking'.. As for being 'anti-Rand, I was 100% in agreement with her stand on religion.

    Where do I stand? I believe in survival of the smartest. The Capitalist world has long gone and it is the turn of the Corporations so as far as I am concerned. All the BS relating to what is going on in todays world will mean nothing if you understand it completely, but you don't have the knowledge how to survive in a world where you don't depend on anyone but yourself. Anyway thats my view at present and I am sticking to it.

    As for being ignorant, I plead guilty but do forgive me as I'm getting smarter every day especially from people like you here on SS. I have the most utmost respect for your views Auspm. One of the reasons I joined the SS forum initially was the amount of time and effort you put in to educate the new members who had limited knowledge of the silver market and your posts were very informative.

    Anyway Auspm, have a nice day.

    Regards Errol 43
  7. hawkeye

    hawkeye New Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Perth, Australia

    The oldies did work and got paid for it the same as the rest of us do. I don't consider myself to be "building the country". I am an earning a living wage providing services that other people want to pay for.

    The reality with the tax situation is that you let the government steal from you and in return they would steal from the next generations in order to pay you money at 65. All works OK as long as you have an exponentially growing population. No wonder the govt is so happy to support teenage parents and bribe people to have kids. They are desperate to keep the scam, from which they extract a great deal of personal wealth, afloat.

    What happens if you pay into the tax system all your life but by the time you get to be eligible for the pensionyou might be in your 70's or later. You'll have paid far more into the system than the average BB but won't get the same benefits. I ask you, is that fair?
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I'm just saying that much of the nay-sayer ideology stems from ignorance of the subject matter or more to the point, jumping on the collective bandwagon when denouncing her - hence denouncing anything she stood for.

    Your snide comments on her claim were dismissive of everything she stood for during the rest of her life, making moral claim to the ideal she was simply a hypocrite.

    I take considerable issue with such a notion.

    We don't live in a society unfortunately that adopts or even bestows the ideology of Objectivism as a virtue, so much of the discussion really remains in the realm of intellectual debate.

    But I will say that taking the position of 'better the devil you know' concerning the current status quo isn't to be applauded, but rather denounced.

    Put more into the ideology of the current accepted standards, we can similarly say two wrongs don't make a right.

    If no one objects to the current wrongs being perpetrated and worse, being furthered by incompetent and short sighted policy, then nothing changes.

    Perhaps acknowledging what's broken today is the first step towards fixing it tomorrow, but the more I look around, the more I see people saying 'yes, the system is broken' but in the same breath stating 'let's no change it, for fear of rocking the boat'.

    I've been indebted today forcibly to pay for other people's promises before I was even born and people object to me taking issue with that?
  9. Ghost Story

    Ghost Story Active Member

    Oct 4, 2011
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    here but not there
    the reality is they could stop all benefits that will just increase crime rates taxes will go up more to employ more police and jails.

    if this whole thread is about how much tax you pay , please don't live in a delusion the gov is like a drug addict they need more so think what you will looking after old people is what some sort of a chore the only reason we do this is because their kids wont.
    in other cultures that are not capitalistic old people are revered and taken care of in our society they are a burden.
    have a bloody good look at yourselves.
  10. willrocks

    willrocks Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 10, 2012
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    There's no conclusive correlation between crime and lower levels of social security benefits.

    I'd be happy to pay my mum's pension, and contribute to my in-law's pension, if there were no income tax. In fact I would provide more than centerlink.

    The fact is my parents never paid for their parents retirement. And they come from a country where there was no pension.
  11. hawkeye

    hawkeye New Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Perth, Australia
    Let's not assume all old people are salt of the Earth, great people who only want the best for their children. Some of them make their children's lives very hard. They are constantly using passive aggressive techniques, making snide remarks, judging them and generally making them feel bad about themselves. Despite all that, someone like myself will still provide for them whatever is necessary. I have to some degree, a vested interest in having the pension continue, even though I don't agree with it, because I will end up paying for my parents otherwise (which I would do, though reluctantly). The BB generation need to take a good hard look at exactly how they treat their kids imo. Note this isn't true of all BB's, but does seem to be not uncommon.

    With my parents, they spent most of the money they made, always relying on the govt to pay for them in old age, rather than actually saving and investing for it. As did most of their friends.
  12. Big A.D.

    Big A.D. Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Oct 30, 2009
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    Taking money to which you are not entitled.

    Who is entitled to money in the first place is a different issue and the case you mentioned is a great example of someone who shouldn't be entitled to money but is. The problem is that this issue extends from the people at the bottom who've fallen on hard times all the way up to people who are doing pretty well for themselves but are still getting "assistance" from the rest of society anyway.

    The system doesn't need policing, it needs redesigning.
  13. Ghost Story

    Ghost Story Active Member

    Oct 4, 2011
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    here but not there
    i think everyone is missing the point here its about people not money or that stuff we swap for silver.

    go walk down the big city streets and give i guy sleeping in the gutter a bed would you do that?
  14. willrocks

    willrocks Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 10, 2012
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    So if you were walking down the street and got robbed at gunpoint. After the robbery the thief turned to you an said "We're giving some of this cash to homeless people, and old people". Would you be OK with that?
  15. Ghost Story

    Ghost Story Active Member

    Oct 4, 2011
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    here but not there
    answer a question with a question I'm done here seems all anyone here thinks about is their own pocket.
  16. willrocks

    willrocks Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 10, 2012
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    And the welfare recipients don't? Most of them I've met couldn't care less that someone was working so they don't need to.

    I have neighbors who've been recipients for the past 8 years. They have raised their family (3 kids) on welfare payments. They know every trick in the book to stay on their centerlink payments, rather than actually do some work.
  17. JulieW

    JulieW Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Treat old people well. You might be one someday.

    The measure of a society is how it treats its old people.
    - said by many people.

    Now Unemployment Benefits to the undeserving and middle class welfare to the undeserving is quite another issue. In fact there's quite a few activities funded by tax collection that I would like to see stopped, and tax collection reduced by the same amount. To hell with Caesar and his due, spend taxes collected wisely and not on the latest hare-brained scheme thought up by some pollies advisor to ensure re-election. I also fail to see why a public servant should be paid a million dollars. If the job is that big, make it smaller.
  18. RhythmDoctor

    RhythmDoctor Active Member

    Apr 4, 2011
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    The point within a circle...
    Wheras less than 50 metres from my home, one of my close friends lives.

    She desperately wants to work, and due to the combination of being nearly blind and having a young son with a disabiility can't get a job. She's sick of being on a pension, she wants to work to provide more for her son, she's sick of being a burden on society (her words not mine).

    She's been trying to get work for the time I've known her (around 12 months now). She's now lost her temper with the welfare trap, and is setting up her own business to try and generate an income so she can get off her pension.

    Personally, I find it disgusting that a talented musician and skilled teacher with a very good business mind cannot get employment so she can get off state welfare.

    First world problems? Nope - just a crippling system.
  19. radiobirdman

    radiobirdman Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Apr 26, 2011
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    Maybe people shouldn't have kids if they cant put a roof over there heads
  20. JulieW

    JulieW Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Oct 14, 2010
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    LOL. It's never stopped them before!

    If the dimwits in charge of the country wished to solve social problems, they'd pour money into education, teaching the population how to assess the world and move forward. I don't think many people choose to be poor and ignorant.

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