Health Systems have been able to organically adjust to a certain load and rate of baseline disease. I’m sure if you were to shock the system with a rate of increase for any disease beyond a certain threshold it would stress or collapse it. We can argue till the cows come home about how much stress we should allow into the system.. our health system will eventually compensate for additional covid base load and it will become a puny endemic cold nobody talks about. It should draw focus to the fragility of our society that we all feel entitled to suck off when needed and complain about taxes and how shit it’s all run. Yes, it’s weak.. concerning how weak it is! To me it’s embarrassing how poorly managed it all is politically. Shows once again how government has failed us and continues to do so. I’m pissed about everything covid related but I would still like to live in a world where the hospital works the way I expect it to. I want blood for what has been taken away from me during these lockdowns but I also have a sense of responsibility and respect for the community I participate in. If Dan fell down the stairs again and died of course I wouldn’t even register an emotion.
I agree it looks poorly managed, it looks from the outside that the health system has had so much focus on reducing budget that metrics around health or medical outcomes are not the first priority. This idea about flattening the curve was meant to defer hospitalisation until more resources were deployed. I don't know what has been resourced or added in the two years since that was tried.
Nothing to add,nothing to take....Unfortunately and sadly most of the people think like CNN or Aussie News...
The fact that anyone would listen to Fauci astounds me. The same "scientist" fake ass doctor that claimed AIDS could be spread on cereal boxes at breakfast haha. Comply if you wish. I've made my choices long ago.
I wonder if the media will rubbish aspirin like they did ivermectin?
^^ they'll be running out of unvaccinated people to test their hypothesis. It would be unscientific to declare it's from Covid unless the study included the unvaccinated and the results were compared to vaccinated individuals. A more likely conclusion could be the vaccine is messing with insulin-producing cells.
Even now some medical dictionary sites still have the old definition listed: vaccine [vak-sēn´] a suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, or rickettsiae), administered for prevention, amelioration, or treatment of infectious diseases. It's reasonable to expect such definitions to evolve. It does highlight these new "vaccines" don't resemble traditional vaccines though. That's enough for me to warrant asking questions and to investigate this new technology to the best of my abilities. Lots of "unknowns"...
The statistics are absolutely BS, too. Canberra is claiming a 100% first jab rate for 50 yr Olds and above. I know several people in these age groups who haven't had the jab. The numbers don't add up!
I think there is a bit of (if you can't make it, fake it) going on. But if it opens things up then I'm all for it. If there is one thing government is good at, it's fudging numbers.