I cleaned up the bottom drawer today and found a old IRiver MP3 player and it had a interesting file on it.Who here remembers it ? specie-man...
Talking about inept accountants , my ex got confused and couldn't correctly convert ounces to kilograms since my name is Troy.
Can I do a swap with my SMSF ? 1 oz coin for a 1 oz bar ? Thomas
I don't want to leave the coins in the fund because compliance cost would be too high.Paying the market rate for them would also mean I can buy a...
Hi everyone, I have to sell some of my "collectibles " in my SMSF and want to sell them to myself. If I took today's market selling price off...
http://www.haz.de/Nachrichten/Der-Norden/Uebersicht/Millionenschatz-soll-im-Harz-geborgen-werden There's a mountain range in Germany called the...
You got some platinum you can afford to loose ?
Not a lot,but it was mine,it is Gold and I couldn't give it away.
I cant remember,something about work.
In 2001 I lost a bet to a friend and had to give him some gold as his prize. I gave him a vial , he laughed at me and said I could keep it. Same...
Separate names with a comma.