World Bank Whistleblower

Discussion in 'Markets & Economies' started by markcoinoz, May 8, 2013.

  1. markcoinoz

    markcoinoz Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Apr 29, 2012
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  2. bordsilver

    bordsilver Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 23, 2012
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    The rocks
  3. Pirocco

    Pirocco Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2011
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    "All of the countries of the world are going to allow precious metals to serve as currency"
    Going to allow?
    Are precious metals then forbidden today?
    You can buy and sell them, just like any product including existing currencies.
    And why would all those governments give the precious metals products some privileges relative to other products, alike they have given their fiat currencies? Their fiat currencies are their means to steal from producing people. Why would they want to make their own theft harder?
    That "Bull Market Thinking" under the article says it all. A bull throws his victims up in the air. He attempts to make them pay higher prices for the product/market he frontrunned them in the buying order. Central planners institutions' big gold stocks makes clear that they are the frontrunning side. They caused todays gold price by keeping those big stocks from the market. Of course they tell us the 'bull' market story. They are the bulls. Who then remains as the bull's victims that are thrown up in the air? Those that buy gold after them. When? When they dump another chunk. When they start the bear phase of the story, the bear that pushes down his victims. Just look at the article and the website it's on. The article talks about bulls, but the websites name is a bear. Put the two together and you get the complete story, the cycle of theft.
  4. markcoinoz

    markcoinoz Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Well Pirocco, in a sense Precious Metals are forbidden today.
    Rather than show its true intrinsic value, the media circus, the central bankers, the Fed, the Treasuries, Government bodies have both implied and expressed that Gold is nothing more than a relic of days gone by. Therefore, they are loathe to want us to stack anything of real value. Rather, they want us to collect Michael Milken style junk bonds on a grand scale and worthless fiat debt for all eternity. That is not going to happen. Why, you may ask?

    Simply put, if you had of listened to the full MP3 interview of Karen Hudes perhaps you would understand a bit more of the ramifications that this whistleblower including many other colleages have collectively put everything together on the table for all to see. As well, she hasn't just suddenly spilt the beans now. No!
    She has made it her intent from the beginning to keep all 186 Nations fully informed of where all the corruption has been coming from including naming names at the very top. When you have whistleblowers coming from all different angles of the financial system and coming up with the same names, the same institutions and put it in front for all to see, then IMHO, it takes alot of courage and secondly, the corrupt system is nolonger able to function the same way as it once did. In some ways, its similar to what Julian Assange had done. He put it out there for all to see of the attrocities that the US military committed as well as leaked documents between countries. Not pretty, we know and also his motives are questionable as well. The difference is, that Karen along with her peerswithin the WorldBank saw the corruption first hand and with documented evidence has made it clear to all delegates knowing that they have the upperhand that the only way forward is for major changes to take place within the Worldbank. For that to happen will mean all delegates come together in an open forum.
    Usually, its been the very few who control the floor and weild the power. The difference now is that the majority of nations want this system and corruption to stop as they are fully aware that they have been heavily shortchanged and not happy about it.

    Maybe Pirocco it might pay you to read her website rather than base your assumptions on secondhand articles.

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