A massive thank you to everyone on the Forum who has helped and supported my channel! We hit 100 Subscribers today which is crazy! Here's the link for those who have no idea what I'm talking about. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaxZqLtXDnKTp-aw16XnYJA
Saw your vid "Why I sold My gold"....rule of thumb...don't talk about sales profit made etc in a public forum....or you may get the ATO knocking at your door for some CGT. Keep up the vids.
Well done! Just dawned on me that the channel name and slogan doesn't really match the content. It's supposed to be a "kid friendly guide to investing" but I see it more like any other stacker/investment channel really. I don't see anything particularly specifically attractive to kids as such as implied in the name, apart from it being hosted by a kid. But I've only watch a couple of vids. Maybe something like InvestmentKid (but direct URL taken by a 3 sub squatter unfortunately) would have more long term channel flexibility and appeal perhaps? Name, branding and future appeal is important to consider in the early days when it's easy to change names. Just food for thought.
I get where you are coming from, but I don't necessarily agree. Im trying to show people that even kids can invest, and because I am a kid teaching it, it is much more appealing to younger people. I have had positive feedback from kids, who have told me that it is actually easier to learn when taught in this way. Thanks for the feedback though!
No worries, understood. And nothing wrong with having more than one channel that could appeal to different audiences BTW!