So...When? How Much? Summary

Discussion in 'Silver' started by PuraPlata, Feb 18, 2012.

  1. PuraPlata

    PuraPlata New Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    Some ASSume on here that I have not done my homework and am lazy with such a post. I have done my homework. I just wanted to see where others ended up as a result of their homework and compiling all of the info and thoughts that they had come up with. Thats all. 2 people, given the same info can come up with totally different thoughts and that is what I wanted to see.... what have you all come up with.
  2. hihosilver

    hihosilver New Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Well that's a start and it's great to hear you have done your research however in "your" opinion :/

    >How low will silver go (This year and near future)?

    >How high will it go (This year and near Future)?

    >When would you plan to get out at? What Price do you think after doing all your homework? it' gives us a better picture on how well you have done your homework :p
  3. PuraPlata

    PuraPlata New Member

    Feb 13, 2012
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    I bought in at just under $15/oz average quite some time ago. I almost sold a good chunk of my stack back near $50 last year, but held on to it for a bit longer as I was out of the country during this peak.

    "Well that's a start and it's great to hear you have done your research however in "your" opinion hmm"

    My "Opinion" is formed off of all of the real data I have gained as well as "expert" recommendations.

    >How low will silver go (This year and near future)?

    I think we may see $25 only for a day or so, then its back up we go. I also think that we may never see it this low again (near Future less than 5 years) and it will only be for a very short time.

    >How high will it go (This year and near Future)?

    This Year I think we will see High 40's this year. In the future (Within 5 years) I think we will see over $100, but many things between now and then could substantially lower or raise this.

    >When would you plan to get out at?

    If I am able to sell at $50 or so this year, I will sell 1/2 of my stack and let the other 1/2 ride. Also, If we do see the $25 this year after the $near 50 that I predict; I will buy as much as the $ from selling the 1/2 will buy. Even if one comes before the other I will still end up buying a few 100 oz.'s at this price if it comes. As for when I will sell the remainder that I have at the end of the year if this plan works out...I have not gotten there yet and do not have a $ammt that I would sell that last 1/2 @ yet. I will know when I get there:)

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