So things aren't fixed ?

Discussion in 'General Precious Metals Discussion' started by southerncross, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. boneyard

    boneyard Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 10, 2009
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    Thanks to all who have replied to this thread.

    I have enjoyed all the points raised.

    There are some alert / aware well spoken members on this forum..

    Looking forward to more insights.
  2. JulieW

    JulieW Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Oct 14, 2010
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    The manipulation is not to do with making money, it is to do with maintaining power, and governments will do anything to remain in power.

    The manipulation of PMs has many positive consequences for the power mongers, hence the attention paid to keeping price rises orderly, and the people from panicking.

    It's a bit like holding an ice cube to the thermometer whilst you check the patient's temperature. "Look you're well, your temperature hasn't risen".

    Source: Sheep Land
  3. CriticalSilver

    CriticalSilver New Member Silver Stacker

    Dec 10, 2010
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    While smoke=/=fire is true, smoke=!fire is false. That is, while proven systemic corruption in one facet of the global financial system doesn't in itself confirm all aspects of the global financial system are corrupt, it does indicate that they could be corrupt.

    One of the major motivators for investing in PMs is fear. A sense that geo-political & global financial systems are becoming increasingly unstable is all the motivation people need to by PMs. Some people have different risk appetites and were sensitive enough to dive into PMs back in 2001/2, some in 2008, others on any of the numerous and compounding financial scandals and monetary stimulus measures since then.

    If vested interests are aligned with maintaining the status quo, and if a rising price of PMs means more investors into PMs, then that is all the motivation required by the powers that be to influence markets.

    Some people just wait until they read it in the newspaper or watch it on the TV before believing enything is wrong. However, contrary to these people being despised by the powers that be, they are the standard work units that they want everyone to be.

    The idea that these parasitic elite are working for the betterment of the planet though and that their (hyperthetical) forced depopulation of the depedent masses they have worked so hard to create is their objective, to create a libertarian paradise of self-motivated, self-reliant people is a little hard to swallow, imo. They are parasites and derive their power and position from control, which is of course the antithesis of freedom.

    Honestly, I just can't see Gillard and her Hairdresser succeeding in a world without welfare dependents and wage slaves! Who will pick her up when she falls over in a depopulated world? :)
  4. Midnight Man

    Midnight Man Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Thanks Gino for pointing this out - and in case my post above wasn't clear (and, I'll be the first to admit, I tried not to ramble, but without much success), I don't believe the powers that be are trying to do anything for the betterment of the planet, I believe though, that they may be willing to "wipe the slate clean" as it were, by going through a major economic meltdown, in order to reduce the population, in order to better control them "on the other side".

    In other words, let things go to pot, appear to try to work as hard and as quickly as possible to restore a sense of "normalcy", and come out the other side with "unavoidable losses" in a situation where "we did the best we could".

    There are further lines of thinking that one can extrapolate from here, but I'm not sure this is the right place to be going into further potential theories on these things.
  5. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    Excellent stuff people,

    Juliew wrote:
    Totally agree, however I lean more towards those with the real power those behind and responsible for the actions of governments. The ones you don't see pulling the strings.

    I think this article sum's things up quite well, It's not just a case of manipulation for profit but total global control and if you don't play by their rules then you are eliminated, Libya, Syria, Iran, are good examples. And this?
  6. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    Just one way a single person of interest can influence not only politicians but public opinion and the MSM all at once without even being associated with the intent or manipulation on the surface. And getting the taxpayer to foot the bill.


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