I bought a small group of coins from a local pawn owner/we buy gold type of coin dealer, and in the collection were two "pillar dollars". I had not seen these coins before and after doing preliminary research assumed they were fakes, but after doing more research think I might have gotten a good grab? I paid close to nothing for them so even if fake won't be much of a loss. One coin is 1771 and one is 1754 (I thought it was 94 because the 5 is weird looking, but saw online it is a 5 not 9). Both weigh 26.9 grams and when carefully "pinged" sound like silver. Anyone know any good info sites? I am going to dig in this evening with some research. If they are real will be my best score in a while. If fake I will keep them but bring it up to seller to get better deal next time. Thanks for any input!
Don't know how. They look "real" like ones I found online slabbed and compared. Trying to find info on mints, etc, in that I've heard the fakes never get all the stuff right on the coin, etc.