Physicists spot market con.

Discussion in 'Stocks & Derivatives' started by JulieW, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. JulieW

    JulieW Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Another argument against HFT.

  2. miniroo

    miniroo Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 21, 2012
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    next your gonna tell us gold & silver is manipulated in some way or another, and the property market, then the popcorn market.

    Thing is these little manipulations matter when dealing in 0.001% profits every split second.

    we're in it for the 5 baggers and even 10 baggers over a period of weeks or months, happy to let the big boys take a swig out of it.

    There's so many ways they manipulate stocks, directors do it all day, they give us all the good news, even if it's not true, they buy and sell their own shares all the time, it's all manipulation.

    TV shows manipulate us subliminally, news tell us what they want us to hear, employers manipulate workers, your manipulated when catching a bus, you can't get to the destination in the route you chose and just because the bus has a good run doesn't mean it will be at your stop earlier, the driver manipulates time by slowing down.

    even this thread is manipulation, your trying to manipulate the thoughts of others here by posting this.
    not going to work, ask some of the bigger stock buyers here just how much manipulation has cost them, they're rolling in dough and can afford to take big hits and laugh.
  3. JulieW

    JulieW Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Oct 14, 2010
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    No arguments with casinos.
  4. Ipv6Ready

    Ipv6Ready Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jan 8, 2016
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    Reading that I'm not sure if they know what they are talking about.

    Huge number of trades occur within milliseconds becuase all the banks have automated algorithm that trade when a number is reached.

    Even the small guy does it now, with automated online trading, with stop loss orders triggering at a predetermined number.

    I think the researchers should do some more research. There was some work done using chaos theory and how it effects the market.

    like people, these banks have automated trading orders that are triggered.... At a $ point.... Sometimes contradictory orders even come from the same bank but from different departments. Ie

    A big time invester in trouble tells a broker to Dump a stock trading $20, investment branch see big sell (everyone with a online account can see the depth of the market) going through the exchange and start selling at 18.50 while the managed funds division of the same bank gets nervous (without talking to other divisions) and dump a big chunk at 18.25, a hedge fund automated system sees it (different company) and start shorting the stock, now it's full alarm bells at other banks getting involved and their automated trades occur. Then at a certain point day traders than mummy and daddy investor start selling.

    At a certain point the stocks start to look cheap and groups that didnt own these stocks but had buy orders on them, could start buying the stock automatically at $17. Even the hedge funds who shorted the stocks have to buy it back.

    If you look at shares like rio Tinto going up or down 10% and settling at 5% swing in a day on some simple bad news, now if you graphed all the trades that occurs, it's highly likely one without insight can see why are all these orders coming occurring.
  5. wrcmad

    wrcmad Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Northern NSW
    Sometimes we just search for evidence that supports our position, rather than positioning ourselves based on the supporting evidence. ;)

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