Norfed - 15th Anniversary Design Challenge

Discussion in 'Silver Coins' started by Stark, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Stark

    Stark Active Member Silver Stacker

    May 9, 2013
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    1st of October (half hour until it, CET) 1998 marks the date when first Norfed coin was released.

    I think it's nice idea to make something "special" for this event. :cool:

    Design challenge ends in 15 days, on 16th of October, 00:00 (AM), Evansville (Indiana time zone) time.

    Award is PM 1 oz Lunar Horse 2014. I will try to get one Norfed coin, but can't promise. I will update this post or one bellow when I get it. I hope it will be added.
    If any of you want to "donate" something to challenge you are welcome to do it.
    I will ship worldwide, free of charge, but won't be responsible for any customs fees.

    There are few rules (design should follow standard Norfed "pattern") meaning:
    - no "happy" animals
    - no colors
    - Liberty lady head on obverse
    - design related to USA history, states, colonies (Puerto Rico, American Samoa, etc.) etc.
    - Also not allowed (source Norfedpedia):
    After 15 days all appropriate designs will be taken into second round > members voting.

    I doubt design will be ever minted, but who knows....

    Btw: since many of you (us) use (or quote without citing the source) Ron G.'s Norfed Encyclopedia it would be nice if you could send him donation to help maintaining and editing his site.

    Some "strange" things occurred around Norfed. Let's dedicate this challenge to all those who passed away or suffered in any other way because of Liberty Dollar. And to all those who keep helping its history will never fade away.


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