Isn't the first quality poster to leave here due to the phuckwits that are drawn here, doubt he will be the last.
In fairness there's not many places on the interwebz in 2020 where you won't find phuckwits. It's to be expected unfortunately! OK, back on's '92 & you've just purchased 500 shares in Dell, please continue.
I may continue the story It's 1992 and I ventured into the stock market by buying 500 shares of DELL. You can look back a few post to get a picture of what was my criteria for buying stocks. In fact, if you are new to this thread I would suggest you start from the beginning.
I had put $19,000 into DELL and hoped my strategy was correct. During the next few years I continued with income properties. I consolidated from many smaller units to 10 to 20 unit buildings. I also rode DELL through 7 splits. By 1999 my initial 500 shares was now over 40,000 stares.