Looks like AG hit bottom (just for fun)

Discussion in 'Silver' started by Niveka, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Niveka

    Niveka New Member

    Jan 15, 2015
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  2. Oldsoul

    Oldsoul New Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    It's always funny looking back at 'the experts' in that phase with all the usual horn blowing. I stopped reading it looking at spot and touching PMs other than swapping gram for gram for nearly three years because of it. Have to say it was phrases like SHTF and PMs being mixed up with buying junky camping gear that was the most off-putting. People with no income prancing around with massive silver chains for the zombie apocalypse who thought they were on the path to riches. If you had tried to tell them they were wrong you would have got a grim lecture about how they would leave you starve on the street after 'the collapse' (hint worry about collapse when you hear heavy artillery and people queue for red meat, up until that point you're doing fine).

    If you rewind further to 2006 there was not much comment on the cessation of publishing institutional money supply and everyone was giving reasons why property could only go up.

    hey were all wise after the fact in 2009 and - 2011- pumped out nonsense when it was clearly a bull market gone nuts.

    Then US right wing media started pumping gold and Russian/Canadian mining interests silver and off to the circus. You could not tell people that there was little chance of the to the moon scenarios - they did not want to hear it and would curse your name if you disagreed.

    I remember an Indian guy who I knew who was pumping every penny he had into gold at 1700.

    Where were they all in 1999 when gold was 160 bucks and silver 5? There was no shortage of idiots telling the world that the laws of economics had changed and the stock market could only go up in 1999 based on garbage with no PE floated by GS and men with little charts on pets.com being treated as prophets. No one wanted to hear that HTTP was not the same as kernel code and there was pants to the craze.

    I liquidated MSFT options in 1999 by exercising them and selling before the crash and a retired financial advisor muttered to me about putting of the proceeds 10% in gold. Everyone called me nuts including the guy managing the receivership of the jewellery maker I bought it from.

    You could not even buy gold or silver bullion easily back then in some countries - the best I could do was buy rolls of chain.

    Fast forward 2012 and you had the profound collective idiocy and hysteria that the world was going to implode because of some nonsense to do with a stone calendar. All this hysteria about SHTF and TEOTHWAWKI. I invested in a lad selling them german army surplus gear you bought by the ton on a pallet for button money and it was sold off at 20$ an item. He got a villa in Spain out of it and I tripled the money I lent him. People who should never have been sold a gun were accumulating them to ruthlessly murder their neighbours!

    And everyone is wise again now and collectively knows which way the wind blows. Record highs built on collapsed consumer spending.

    It's easy to be contrarian if you are contrary by nature!

    And so it repeats just look at this...."this time is different"......again.


    Plain dishonest reporting. Amazon, Groupon, Twitter, 'Angies list', FB and many many more have insane PE ratios. Not a mention of that anywhere in that article. Just like back in 1999 when no one said ....hang on this PE means it will take 100 years to get my money back. The journalist is apparently their "Senior Tech Reporter". I wonder is he actually stupid or deliberate in misleading people?

    And if you look at their shareholders they are majority institution owner in the 70%s and 80%. We're supposed to believe the insurance companies and banks are solid. People who can't install a printer driver are doing degrees in 'digital marketing'. All this money ultimately based on the worth of internet advertising. So why is radio advertising not worth a million billion trillion dollars? After all it produces real measurable results. What's the point in advertising so much to a facebook generation mostly composed of penniless narcissists whop work in macdonalds?

    I could go to wall street and scream it to the clouds and no one would remember after it tanks. No one likes a skeptics opinion. Anyone remember AOL?
  3. Niveka

    Niveka New Member

    Jan 15, 2015
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  4. sterling-nz

    sterling-nz Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2015
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    The bottom aint even in yet.
    This month on will see some people on this site pulling their hair out that they did not sell out now to buy back in later.
    200 oz sale in the last month would be returning you an extra 60oz plus in the next couple of months.
    I say 200 because i got rid of this much a few weeks ago .
    I would hate to be preaching and not following my own advice.
    Ill let yous know when i rebuy with that money , and how much more(or less) i got back:)
  5. Oldsoul

    Oldsoul New Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    "A lot of people thought that the merger was a brilliant move and worried that their own companies would be left behind. At the time, the dot-coms could do no wrong, and AOL ( AOL 0.46% ) was at the head of the pack as the 'dominant' player. Its sky-high stock market valuation, bid up by investors looking for a windfall, made the young company more valuable in market cap terms than many blue chips. Then CEO Steve Case was already shopping around before the Time Warner opportunity came up."


    "This leads me to a cautionary note about today's crop of digital darlings, many valued in the billions. According to the Wall Street Journal, there are at least 48 venture-capital backed companies with an implied value of over $1 billion, while the number of such companies peaked at 10 during the height of the 2000 dot-com boom. Moreover, these firms not yet profitable, not yet stable and not yet assessed by normal market metrics are burning through vast amounts of cash each month."

  6. Oldsoul

    Oldsoul New Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    It is not worth it to me because I don't want to draw the ire of the capital gains tax people and the work involved in the buying and selling you would be up 900$ at lets say 15 an ounce. If you do a weeks at 48 hours a week selling it all and buying it back you'd be making 20 an hour. That kind of manoeuvre would be better done electronically on unallocated.

    Not so much in silver but in gold you could in theory make 20-25% if you had no tax and were willing to do the work trading seasonality and called it perfectly.

    'Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.'
  7. alor

    alor Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 16, 2011
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  8. SydneySilver

    SydneySilver Member

    Oct 4, 2012
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  9. sterling-nz

    sterling-nz Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2015
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    It is just for fun.
    Money does not always have to be serious:)
    I have made a number of posts of late about silver coming back down in price after the first 1/4 , so thought i had better have a little skin in the game:)
    All well and good saying this and saying that, but if i aint got anything on it i thought i would sound a bit of a hypocrite.

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