Is stacking silver really worth it??

Discussion in 'Silver Coins' started by M.Thurlow, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. fishtaco

    fishtaco Active Member Silver Stacker

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Perth WA
    This I feel can also be dependant on your financial future and future guaranteed wealth prospects!

    It can cost upward of $4000 to move rental properties if the owner wants you to vacate that rental,and for an average family paying rent on a house with an investment property mortgage the burden of rental moves can be too great for their immediate finances!

    People are investing in what they cannot afford to invest in causing many onward sales and many unnecessary vacations of properties by renters.

    There is no easy way unless you are already financially secure enough to actually buy and rent property.

    Rags to Riches stories are just media propaganda filling the heads of the population with false hope! making the wealthy wealthier!

    When Richard Branson stated he "started with nothing" you have to realize his grandmother dared him as a child to swim a lake for 10 bob, that 10 bob at the time could have fed an average family for a week! Rags to Riches propaganda! his family had enough wealth to pull him out of debt if his chance taking didnt pan out, so he was able take risks common everyday people now think are just as available to them!

    Views expressed on much Saturday night beer :)

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