Is it true that Goldman Sachs rule the world?

Discussion in 'Markets & Economies' started by Javacoffee, Nov 29, 2011.

  1. nonrecourse

    nonrecourse Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Melbourne Australia
    Nice flame:p Too bad the facts get in the way of a good property hate beat up. The collateralized debt obligations also known as CDO's and the fraudulent AAA ratings backed by shonky derivitive
    credit default swaps that your mates in the equties business AKA Goldman sachs et al Morgan Stanley used to bet against the CDO's was the real reason the property market collapse went toxic.

    But hey if your an equities fan I can understand why you hate property investors. The gambling I mean investing in equities is about to get a whole lot worse. Last year the ASX lost 14%. There is a lot more pain coming.

    Of course you could hedge your share gambling by purchasing a put option:D

    Kind Regards
    non recourse
  2. Silverthorn

    Silverthorn Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    Your version of the facts. I don't have any axe to grind in regard to anything but when people post something i don't agree with I will sometimes respond.

    It was the property speculators and the bank that brought everything else down. Productive companies of all stripes were doing fine until sub prime hit.
  3. nonrecourse

    nonrecourse Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Melbourne Australia
    We can agree to disagree. My raison d'etre is financial independence via a life long learning of fiscal literacy. I have no time for big government, big business and that includes most publicaly listed companies, unions, insurance companies, banks, the equities industry and their lobbists.

    Owning and running a small business and developing financial independence by investing in property and using discretionary, unit & hybrid trust structures is our preference. We own nothing but control everything and now by purchasing bullion not as an investment but as a hedge we are slowly building a moat of solvency to protect us from what we believe is coming.

    We believe the world has entered a long period of soverign and corporate insolvency that will not rebalance until probably 2030. Both sides of politics believe they can manage our money better than we can. They are aided and abetted by the underlined list above

    77% of all employment is provided by small business yet the reality is our political and business leaders are intent on destroying small business. The productive companies you speak of are not there to reward their small share holders, you are just a pawn to be disenfranchised by selective retail share placements when it suits the C.E.O and directors.

    A whole generation of baby boomers have seen what happens when you allow someone else to control your destiny. The weighting of shares at close to 100% in super up to 2006 is testament to a system that is there to impoverish the vast majority of small share holders.

    If you don't contol the company you are on a hiding to hell. Wall street is there to strip you of your life savings and eat your children.That is why the equity faternity call mum & dad and their children investors piglets because they squeal when you stip them of their life savings.

    Kind Regards
    non recourse
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    The problem is investment as we once knew it has been replaced by speculation and a perceived removal of risk. All of course controlled by a generation of traders that have been fed on bonus' and impunity when it comes to other peoples money.

    A short while ago an investment was a long term strategy whereby people looked at the long term effect of "investing" a regular amount into a solid long term prospect of reaping a reward in the future IE 20-30 yrs.

    In todays world this is not the case, "investment" has become a multitude of markets into which the traditional brokerage or firm etc that people place trust in to handle their regular "investment" is only interested in the annual return rather than a long term view and which has also been infected by the annual reward system.

    Basically it is nearly all now speculation rather than "solid" investment. A slow and steady gain over a multitude of years has now given way to a maximum year on year return in the interests of those who reap the bonus' rather than the long term gain of those placing their hard earned with X or Y.
    And those reaping the short term bonus' care little about risking Other Peoples Money on a year on year return when they can just move on or have the taxpayer cover the losses that the actual company concerned loses. Too bad for the peoples money lost, the company still survives and the Bonus' still get paid. At worst a subsidiary go's bust to cover the loss on tax and paper.

    It is all speculation with other peoples money now, and if they F#$k up..... Oh well I still get paid and get my Bonus if the books look good.
  5. jackbrown

    jackbrown New Member

    Dec 11, 2011
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    Yes, quite true. It's easy to point the finger at a few corporate executives who took advantage of the bubble but I know that there were a few million tradesmen here and overseas who walked away with inflated profits also. You can get a weatherboard house painted in Brisbane now for under $4000. 3 years ago it would have been a minimum $8000.
  6. Silverthorn

    Silverthorn Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    and that's the real worry with the property markets at the moment. construction is one of the big four employers, along with retail health and manufacturing, and if tanks like overseas house painting etc might get even cheaper.
  7. Nugget

    Nugget Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Aug 16, 2009
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    Health is also funded largely by taxpayers. :/
  8. TheEnd

    TheEnd Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Well there's all the truth I needed after seeing that very long but very informative RS link Julie.... They've been playing the U.S and the rest of the world like a rigged game at a Casino in Vegas for a loooong time...... And like you say... THEY ARE SCUM!!!
  9. systematic

    systematic Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2010
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    The banking and financial industry is infamous for attracting people with demented sociopathic disorder that rewards the condition without restraint by law.

    The love of money is the root of all evil. You better believe it.
  10. Lav

    Lav New Member

    Jul 13, 2011
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    You are painting a small group of people with a very big brush.
  11. systematic

    systematic Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2010
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    and hopefully i got them all ...
  12. nonrecourse

    nonrecourse Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Melbourne Australia

    This comment would be laughable if it wasn't so misguided. Tradesmen ripping people off are you for real???? Try Wall street and the European souffle's pi$$ing trillions down the gurgler and then demanding the taxpayer foot the bill. Last time I looked private enterprise was originally private individuals putting up money and if they blew it they went to the wall.

    Now we have this nabby pamby rotating government be it hard labour or wishy washy liberals that want to make sure no one gets hurt especially their corporate mates who look after them with cushy board positions after the finish their "public" service.

    The only way you can protect yourself is by spending the time to be fiscally literate and that means directly managing your investments. Focusing on the percieved failings of property investors is a short cut to living on a government pension

    Kind Regards
    non recourse
  13. jackbrown

    jackbrown New Member

    Dec 11, 2011
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    lol lol. But seriously lav, the group isn't small at all. This is the problem when you let mass media pump its garbage between your ears, you walk away with a distorted view of the world. Media points the finger at Big Player and says it's all their fault and definitely not the fault of government or themselves or us. The rule is find a small scapegoat community and demonize it, that way change is shown to happen by the punishment or elimination of the small group. This is followed by the standard lie that we now need a few years to correct the wreckage they created.

    The love of money has been the dominant new religion in the western world for decades and decades. The masses worshiped it as their home values and stock portfolios went up and up. Everyone was bragging about their net worth and their equity, rubbing their hands with glee at the expectation of the next big spending spree at the travel agent of the new car showroom. At the end of the day those people let their greed sign on the line of the second mortgage or the new credit card application. Bovine thinking backing up every move they made, still make.
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Just what is Money tho , and by default the love of it ?

    Ayn Rand

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