Hi, As of this second, I am seeing the following prices between different platforms for 1BTC A$13370 = Binance A$13506 = Swyftx A$13481 = BTC Markets When I try to place a trial order, say for $1000, the amount of BTC $1000 buys on Binance is lower than Swyftx for some reason, even though the market price at that second was $130 over...Not sure if currency exchange rates and fees can make that much of a difference. Anyone is seeing such differences when they try to place an order, or are aware of the actual reasons behind this between these different platforms? It feels quite mind boggling, to have Binance quote being lower and BTC it buys being lower as well.
So confusing , been trialing and swyftx seemed to have the most transparent way of cutting their fees despite it showing the highest BTC price. BTCMarkets pricing doesnt update as quickly. First platform is binance, the 2nd is swyftx...Based on what BTC price is showing, would have expected $1000 buying more BTC from Binance, really baffled with what's going on.