Are we stacking or sitting on our thumbs ?

Discussion in 'Silver' started by Photonaware, May 19, 2013.

  1. volrathy

    volrathy Active Member

    Oct 29, 2012
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    Blue Haven NSW
    in the past 6 months physical silver has dropped 15.625% in cost
  2. volrathy

    volrathy Active Member

    Oct 29, 2012
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    Blue Haven NSW

  3. Argent47

    Argent47 Member

    May 27, 2012
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    I think all this negativity is a sign that a reversal is ahead of us. Sure, we may see $18, even $15, but it should bounce back up. It would be nice to get it over and done with and take these prices out, but we need to be patient.
  4. RetardedMonkey

    RetardedMonkey Active Member Silver Stacker

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Brisbane, Australia
    I got no idea what I am doing anymore :D
  5. pro$pector

    pro$pector New Member

    Mar 14, 2012
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    Perth, WA
    It's much easier to just turn your PC on and let it "mine" money right RM? :lol:

    Back on topic, I'm personally going to try and pick up as many round 50's as I can all the way down! :cool:
  6. Pirocco

    Pirocco Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2011
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    I lurked on a lot of 60 old junk coins on an auction site but despite the price drop mid april, still nobody is willing to sell them at lower prices.
    So I bought bullion instead, but held some euro's as to be able to buy the junk in case the seller becomes more willing. Though after that eventual purchase, I won't have much left, for two weeks an almost empty bank account.
    I'm Poor Joe. I have nothing. Sniff.
  7. RT

    RT New Member

    May 20, 2013
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    All the reasons to own silver are still in place, world wide debt is increasing and out of control. Have to be in silver for what it is at the moment, a store of wealth.

    Its all manipulation, nothing else. This will go a lot lower yet and is only a good sign that it does. PMs are the indicator to the masses that everything is wrong and if your in the position of trying to hide what is wrong, then it is exactly were you focus your energy.
    Take a leaf out of all the reserve banks around the world, they are buying physical as fast as they can. It will be their life line once all the derivitives etc unwind and they know its coming.

    They are forcing people into stocks, out of cash and trying to force weak hands from PM. This is all part of moving wealth from the weak people to the players.

    Not sure why any Aussies are worried, AUD goes to $ .60USD, will still be laughing.
  8. RT

    RT New Member

    May 20, 2013
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    Check out on youtube about China's housing boom (bubble).

    Australia's economy is running on our mine output, we have been in a 2 speed economy for years but its all hidden away, massive cuts in government jobs and private sector but mining revenue covers it all up but we are relying on China continuing to buy our resources.

    This was ment to be shown on 60mins 1 night not long ago but instead they aired an interview of Tony Abbot not being homophobic anymore.
    Who cares if they drop the silver down to $5 oz? Nothing has changed except they are out right desperate enough to openly manipulate the paper market into oblivion in the *hope* of making sure no money is hidden away in it when they decide to unwind shares, derivitives, default on debt and bonds become worthless.
  9. Emanance

    Emanance Guest

    I think a thread that has the views of 4 new Silver Stacker members on it says it all for silver's price in the not to distant future. This is a growing market. We are simply seeing the effects of an unchecked futures market on the real thing. Oh, and welcome new guys :).
  10. Midnight Man

    Midnight Man Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 16, 2011
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    "Saying thanks" to this post (and others that echo this sentiment) isn't enough.

    Think about the fundamentals folks - paper currencies are being debased every hour... it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where they're going to end up. Whether we have stagflation, inflation, hyperinflation, deflation, someflation in the meantime till NOT change the end result meaningfully.

    The only place you are going to be able to preserve value is in assets that will continue to hold true value when the dust settles. Most of us probably can't stack oil, or aluminium, or iron ore, or copper - they're too voluminous to store (and in some cases too dangerous to store) - so we turn to things we CAN stack - Silver and Gold primarily.

    By the time you should be considering "cashing" these in, you won't be looking for a fiat price on them - you'll be swapping them for other assets you may want to own (real estate, hopefully not food or basic survival items, but the option is there).

    Paper price means only to me "I can buy X ounces this week". I don't worry what my stack is "worth" - I have no intention of swapping my good stuff for printed pieces of paper!
  11. Emanance

    Emanance Guest

    Your post reminds me, of something I was thinking about earlier today. Most people, including myself, have absolutely no transition plan as life in this economy gets harder & harder. Sure most of us would have a plan along the lines of: 'Work your ass off now and stack your wealth in phys, then when it goes to the moon it's time to cash in'. When in reality no one knows what to expect. I'd like to think the parasites riding this economy into the ground will strike that balance of keeping the host alive for as long as possible so those awake to whats going on have the greatest time window possible to prepare. But what if global markets are like stars, in that the more mass & gas they contain the bigger and faster the bang is when they finally collapse. I worry with out a transition plan many stackers will be forced to trade their metal for merely the privileged means to survive.
  12. pro$pector

    pro$pector New Member

    Mar 14, 2012
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    Perth, WA
    Genuine question to all those who believe the world economy is heading for major long-term perils...

    What kind of time frame do you believe we are looking at before Western society as we know it collapses?

    Whilst I agree fiat currencies will probably implode eventually (almost every currency always has throughout history) - I don't think its going to be in our lifetime.
  13. Pirocco

    Pirocco Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2011
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    Hum, that 'collapse' shouldnt be like a day/week/year event, especially considering that their elevated they crap to world level, taking out alternatives. Just some process of every year more worse, couple decades long.
    And it's also possible that the bunch parasites will do something about itself earlier, in the end, they aren't stupid, they know as well as us that if there is nothing left to steal, the thief dies too. But since I think that the producing part of the population won't be able to repeat what it did during the past 4 decades, I see a bank account / fiatmoney as a sign for heavy losses, no matter whether those happen in a day (devaluation round/bankruptcy without 'guarantee') or in a decade.
    And thus I bought that blinking stuff and try to keep the magpies away from it, especially those wearing azure suits.
    Lower price equals more blinking stuff, but I'm not that greedy, I didnt sell at $50 $40 $30 and as op recently, I didnt wait for $20 too. If it arrives too, then my next wages swap returns more ounces. That's abit my genuine look at it.
  14. Midnight Man

    Midnight Man Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 16, 2011
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    @Emanance - I think your analogy of economies being like stars is pretty accurate - the larger the bubble the bigger the bang when it bursts.

    @Pro$pector - Personally, I cannot see the charade we're currently in lasting much more than 2 years, 3 at the very outside. I don't necessarily believe that it automatically follows that "the end of Western society as we know it" will occur - though I suspect some wholesale changes might be in order. I expect fiat currencies to melt down, and I expect that we will see an emergence of new/replacement currencies as a result (think Zimbabwe here). I hope and pray that when that time comes, the choice will be to move to a backed currency rather than what we have now.
  15. Pirocco

    Pirocco Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2011
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    I'm not sure why a transition would be useful. If you accumulate fiat on a bank account, do you need a transition or so to spend (a part of) it?
    For metal, its about the same, only that you have an extra inbetween step being those after you with the same plan as you.
    And regarding that buying of privileged means to survive, hell, thats where money on a bank account also serves for. That's also 'being forced to trade their fiat for merely the privileged means to survive'. So why a transition? A metal stack instead of a fiat 'stack' is merely changing your dependencies, in the former case you are dependent on others on the metal market, in the latter case you are dependent on the central planners and their parasites. Both can be holy and evil, but in the case of a metal you at least control it yourself, unlike a bank account where you can only watch powerless.
  16. Pirocco

    Pirocco Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2011
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    I liked it too, only that some stars dont explode, because they lack the mass to fuse heavier elements, and thus fail to generate the pressure required to overcome the gravitational force of the stars remaining mass. Instead of an explosion you then get a gravitational crunch to a white dwarf. No bangs involved. Maybe a world economy that detoriates to the crapper could be compared with a star that is losing mass, to end in a crunch, alike those weird Atlas Shrugged scenarios of empty buildings and roads and machines dismantled for their parts until there is nothing left that can be dismantled, and the cities lights going out haha.
  17. Emanance

    Emanance Guest

    Thanks Pirocco, I guess I was adding to Midnight Man's comment:
    I guess my view is quite pessimistic in that I think basic survival could be a real challenge for many people in the first world considering only 2% of people in counties like Australia have the skills to grow food for the rest of the population. With the legal frame work designed by banks for banks it's not inconceivable that many of Australia's underwater farmers would not be able to keep hold of their food producing properties in the event of a deflationary collapse in food prices. This transition from a collapsing global economy to something new could take decades, then again it could take just months, depends on how long it takes for the parasites to let go. A transition plan is really anything that keeps you & your family safe during this time. It could be to simply stack metal so you can trade it for essentials. It could be to 'prep' by stacking essentials in your spare room. It could be to collect passports for other countries so you can get out of dodge. I just think it's something everyone should consider.
  18. RT

    RT New Member

    May 20, 2013
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    Thats because no one around these days have lived through or can remember a depression. There is a generation growing up that has been handed everything by their parents and expects that the good times just flow. The baby boomer generation were the ones that had real wealth growth (as in assets) but it will be the next 5 generations that pay for it.employment opertunities decrease whilst debt to just live increases.

    How can any sane person look around and say housing is affordable? Health care is now almost a user pay system here in Australia or heading that way.

    It pays to listen to older people sometimes, Im not that old but I listened to a lot of stories about the last depression. People get through it, life goes on. A lot get wiped out finacialy but life goes on.

    Sure society will change as we know it but it is just the cycle that HAS to happen. They can keep kicking the can for only so long. The thing people need to realise is that things are being positioned now so the big players benefit from everyone else loosing out. Cant remember who said it but "Fortunes are made in good times but dynasties are created and forged in bad"

    Land can be taxed away even if its owned, jobs dry up, exports and imports dwindle, economies grind to a halt. Those that position themselves grow beyond anything normally possible.

    Is Silver the way to do it? Who knows but it is a asset that can be moved, hidden, used as money and will always have some worth.
    The only thing you should be upset about with this price drop is that your fiat may have bought more Oz today then 3mths ago, not that silver is suddenly a bad investment, because that thinking is exactly were you are being lead to think.

    On a side note, has anyone seen the law on Australian books from the 1950-60 that allows for the same action as what has just happened in Cyprus? Its never been rescinded. Was told this by someone the other day. Has anyone else come across this?

    Why has Cyprus suddenly gone quiet on mainstream media? All the important indicators world wide seem to fall into a black hole, while everyone gets distracted by petty BS and everyone just keeps falling for it.

    Its fine but, goverments will save things because they never lie.... Bankers will fix things because they've done such a great job so far.... Or maybe, what goes up can just keep going up and up and up...
  19. Midnight Man

    Midnight Man Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 16, 2011
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    And I think you're spot on :) Personally, looking out at what's going on in the world today, I feel it's prudent to prepare on a couple of levels, and you've nailed them in your comments.

    First and foremost, one should be prepared for breakdowns in the supply chain, that is to say that one should have enough food, water and other basic essentials on hand to deal with a reasonable period where one cannot simply go down to the corner store for that nights meal.

    Over and above that, one should position themselves to hold assets (gold, silver, possibly other things) that will still have value after a coming "reset" if you want to think of it that way.

    Alternative passports are always an option, though one has to weigh that opportunity against other preparations one may have on hand - if things get really bad, is it better to "bunker down" where one has food and water, or "run for the hills" (in the hope the grass is greener when you get there).
  20. Eureka Moments

    Eureka Moments Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Oct 31, 2011
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    Sorry, but Im continually frustrated by the mixed metaphor in the thread title.

    Surely one either sits on their hands, or twiddles their thumbs. :/

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