Any Glenn Beck viewers in Australia on this forum?

Discussion in 'YouTube Digest' started by TeaPot&ChopSticks, May 6, 2012.

  1. TeaPot&ChopSticks

    TeaPot&ChopSticks New Member

    Apr 17, 2012
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    Regularly watched his program on Foxtel from late 2009 to the end of its broadcast on Fox News.

    He had some great episodes on current affairs - inflation - debt - gold & silver - food preparation and food storage - and history as well. And while I noticed that he got a few things wrong on the whole he did a great program. Very educational. Even with ADSL I do not think my internet connection could cope with download GBTV.
    There are some great youtube clips of his on the internet.
    He recently did a take of Bill Still's The Secret of Oz.
    It is not the only internet source of alternative news on the web but I would always donate my time to watching his program.

    Interesting to hear back from people.

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