Silver Is Dead As An Investment!

Discussion in 'Silver' started by mrsilverservice, Jun 20, 2019.

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  1. SilverSurferNan

    SilverSurferNan New Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Although I’ve been a member here for awhile now, I’m the type of person that likes to learn by researching, learning by my mistakes and watching, listening. I do apologise if I haven’t contributed much, but my attention has been absorbed completely in the US political scene, because if they sneeze, we here in Australia will catch the cold. We are RS without the USA military. I thank God we have American bases here and although many might think that means we are a huge target, it’s also a safety net if SHTF.

    What shinymetal is saying is 100% correct. POTUS is aligning to DESTROY THE FED. His latest FED appointment is a advocate for a GOLD backed currency. The FED is a private company, with some government control, via appointees, but every single central bank, bar 3 in the WORLD, is owned by what Anons refer to as the banking cabal. Our Reserve Bank is owned by this cabal, Rothschild et al owned. It’s these scum that have manipulated the markets via lowering and raising interest rates for over 100 years. Both JFK and Reagan tried to bring back the GOLD Standard, but they were stopped by a bullet. President Trump was asked by the Military to run because it really was down to America slipping into socialism, or a WW3 which the cabal need to feed their greed. It came within a hairs breath of doing so. They expected her (Clinton) to win. As shinymetal has stated, these elites are being toppled and soon, many, many that are household names will be arrested and the world will be shocked at their depravity. But I want to add this. On 21/12/2017 an Executive Order was signed by POTUS. That EO which is still in effect, will CONFISCATE assets, property, gold, etc. from anyone involved in sex/human trafficking and crimes against humanity etc. anywhere in the world.

    Why do you think that DC and the elites are panicking?? Almost immediately after it was signed, the Rothschilds offloaded an estate with 1000acres for around $120million. Anons have been told that what went on there was horrendous. Think hunger games and children. Those that have followed QAnon have been made aware of some of the most dreadful crimes and much happened on Epstein Island. Think dungeons. Think torture. Think high profile politicians and celebrities. Bill Clinton is on the flight logs as visiting there 26 times. Hillary 10. Thru another source we have Anons that track planes and ships. It has been reported that a naval ship is anchored off the Island and it has digging equipment on its decks. We were told nearly 12 months ago that Epstein spent $29m filling in the tunnels. There is recent drone footage if you search YouTube.

    Why does this concern Australia and Australians? Because our politicians spied on the Trump Admin. Downer is in a lot of bother. I believe Turnbull is also and Gillard for handing over $400million of our taxpayer $s to the Clinton Foundation. Where did she end up when she got kicked to the gutter? At the CF in NYC.

    This takedown of the cabal has been longed planned out and The PLAN is working perfectly. There is/was a shadow government in the USA. Are you aware that missiles launched at Hawaii were no mistake? It was launched from a rogue sub. Are you aware that another missile was launched at Air Force One when POTUS was on his way to meet with Kim the NK leader. Military ops knew and diverted AF1 but AF2 was used as a decoy. Once again we were told that specially fitted out jets took this missile down.

    Back to GOLD. Why is POTUS running up debt in infrastructure, military, Space Force, etc. where does this money come from?? Is it printed? These trillions can never be repaid but POTUS is about to turn the tables on the banking cabal. By returning America to the GOLD Standard, the debt will not have to be repaid! Never. And this is what POTUS is intending. He is using their ILLEGAL system to destroy them. Yes. The debt in its current form is illegal. I could go on and on, but start here as an overview.

    I don’t have Twitter, but the guy that did this video - Joe M usually keeps us up to date on things you will NEVER hear from the media cabal. Also Praying Medic Now. If you go to this is where the Q drops are posted and there is a search bar. There are many pics of the missile being fired at AF1, of Epstein Island. Of those in Hollywood and royalty that have visited there. Be warned though as some of the pics around #Drop 3135 are pure evil.

    One last word for those that think this is a conspiracy. That’s fine. It’s mathematically impossible for it to be just a conspiracy and I believe that very soon QAnon will be acknowledged by POTUS. Why? The QDrop of the baby which POTUS acknowledged at the Rally on the 17th in North Carolina. We were told back in October that a SIGNIFIER would confirm that POTUS will introduce QAnon to the world. How? The file name that QAnon gave the drop.

    And finally. Dr. Dave Janda Orthopaedic Surgeon worked with Reagan and other Presidents implementing Health Policy. He still has many contacts inside government, etc. This video explains that he believes the shadow government’s back has been broken and there is great panic in DC as Epstein is one of the first blackmailers to be taken down.

    For POTUS to destroy this corrupt system and return America (and the world) to equality for ALL under the law, had to start within government and beyond. After the 2020 election America will be put back on the GOLD Standard. This is a certainty otherwise bringing down the banking cabal etc. would be for nothing. And Morrison has just been invited to a State Dinner by POTUS, the first time an Australian PM has been in a long, long time. This could be significant as we really are America’s greatest ally and possibility Intel and POTUS will be sussing Morrison out to trust him with info that I don’t think POTUS would share with Canada, UK and NZ.

    And for shinymetal- WWG1WGA
  2. Oddjob

    Oddjob Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Aug 19, 2018
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    New Gulagland
  3. mrsilverservice

    mrsilverservice Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2019
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    North of Tasmania
    Thanks for taking the time to put this together SSnan :)

    So I am guessing if you and shiny are right and Potus has his way Gold should be worth far more in the near future :p

    As they say - Gold always tells the truth :D

    The Book of Revelation Chapter 3 verse 8

    I know your works.See,I have set before you an open door,and no one can shut it,for you have a little strength,have kept my word,and have not denied My name :)
  4. Number 47

    Number 47 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2018
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    That all sounds very plausible Silver Surfer.
    That made for an interesting read.
    Thanks for going to the effort to share that.

    I wouldn't be the least bit surprised If were all true about the Rothschild dirty lifestyle and those high profile people getting their rocks off precipitating in it.

    If true, Hopefully they loose it all, vacuum their vaults empty and dispose of all their assets.

    Isn't it strange how so many rich and high profile people get into weird stuff.
    Perhaps after decades of having everything youd ever want and need the only thing left is to get into weirdness... Those sort people need to re-learn what a thrill the simple things are in life again, like eating a warm meal and laying In a comfy bed... jail should help teach those things.
  5. SilverSurferNan

    SilverSurferNan New Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    We are hearing today that many big known names will be charged very, very soon. Epstein’s bail has been denied. I think they are way too far into things that you and I would be horrified about. The term ‘sold their soul to the devil’ is quite apt. Millions upon millions of Patriots around the world are dissecting the QDrops and we got another lot just this morning. I have seen things that no ‘Nana’ should ever see and I cannot get the horror of these little ones being abused out of my mind. QAnon has told us that 90% of the world’s population could not take the horrors and it will put many, many in hospital when this is revealed. But today I hold my beautiful granddaughters- 2 and 4 - and give thanks that I can hold them, while many poor parents don’t ever know what happened to their missing children. We are told that a child taken off the streets in middle America is in Saudi Arabia in just 36 hours. POTUS has closed so many ‘rat lines’ - one being private planes flying in and out of Florida. These planes are never, ever subject to immigration checks etc. but that has changed thanks to POTUS. Over 10,000 pedophiles have been jailed in just two years thanks to that signed EO on 21/12/2017. Hundreds of little children have been freed from cages. You hear about drugs, but little children are used over and over again and in the end they end up in these elite rituals like on Epstein Island. I have to stop now as it’s so upsetting. Those poor babies. POTUS said at the Rally when ‘QBaby’ was held up that he is doing all this for the children. Remember. POTUS didn’t need to run for President. While blackmail is rampant in society among our political leaders, churches, media, royalty, Hollywood etc. little children will suffer. POTUS is stopping this. Go to And you will see the latest QDrops.
    shinymetal likes this.
  6. SilverSurferNan

    SilverSurferNan New Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    You might
  7. SilverSurferNan

    SilverSurferNan New Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    QAnon is a born again Christian. Over the last 3 years, when what Q calls ‘operators’ are in danger, he asks us to pray. Maybe 4 times now he has asked us to pray and put on ‘the Full Armour of God’. We never know what is happening, but sometimes Q will say when we have got impatient waiting for ‘arrests’ of the cabal. How quickly we forget that this didn’t start a few years ago, but over 100 years.

    Statements today needed to be made.
    Operators have died.
    They approach the field of battle w/o fear.
    They lay down their lives for YOU.
    They are SELFLESS.
    They are fighting for our FREEDOM.
    They fight unconditionally because they hold a core value, a value that we should all live in FREEDOM.
    We HONOR them.
    We must do better to protect them.

    These Patriots are not regular military. They are specialists in their field. Even this week there has been a series of blackouts across America. Thru drops connecting the dots, tell us these blackouts were part of the Patriots taking out cabal locations.
  8. mrsilverservice

    mrsilverservice Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2019
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    North of Tasmania
    I might what o_O

    The Book of Psalm Chapter 9 verse 18

    For the needy shall not always be forgotten,the expectation of the poor shall not always perish :)
  9. sgbuyer

    sgbuyer Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 25, 2018
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    Wow, this is huge, much bigger than Clinton as it directly affects families. If the Epstein case is really into child smuggling, and this went on during Obama’s term, Trump’s 2nd term is virtually guaranteed.
    JOHNLGALT and SilverSurferNan like this.
  10. SilverSurferNan

    SilverSurferNan New Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Sorry. Couldn’t work out how to remove this when my internet went out when it tripped the heater on the same powerboard. ☺️
    JOHNLGALT and mrsilverservice like this.
  11. SilverSurferNan

    SilverSurferNan New Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    It’s much, much bigger than you or I (normies) can even imagine. I’m hearing Prince Andrew is in trouble. QAnon has posted pics of him with underaged girls on . Not sure if it was Epstein Island, but the girl is named. But it’s evil beyond imagination. QAnon first appeared on 4Chan, then 8Chan. The owner of the board is working with Military Intel and only a day or so ago Q thanked the BO (Board Owner) for the upgrades?? Australia cannot access 8Chan - banned by NZ/Aust. gov after the mosque shooting in NZ. but you can get around it by a VPN. I get my updates from Joe M who has been banned by Twitter etc. and he makes sure that info coming in is legit. The reason for Q? To bypass the lefty media and go straight to the Patriots. We know they are part of the cabal and are doing everything to bring Trump down. Lies are their specialty.

    General Flynn talking about the ‘digital soldiers’.

    RedPill News

    shinymetal likes this.
  12. 66rounds

    66rounds Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 22, 2019
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    There will be no return to the gold standard for America. Do you really think the cabal can't see what's going on? They have been moving their assets to their safe haven, "the only democracy in the middle East", and building their walls for years. The minute they feel things have gone too far they will launch their pre-emptive strikes and the whole world will be embroiled in flame and too busy to care about your messiah POTUS. He is just another pawn in this puppet show. The US will not survive another large war and the global hegemony will shift to a Jerusalem based gold standard upon its collapse. The only concrete challenge to this hegemony is the growing alliance of Eastern Power, namely China and Russia. If they can successfully bypass trade barriers by establishing their own gold standard, they may be able to curtail the coming cashless gold crypto currency suggested above.

    Back to the original topic of this thread, it is clear that with the order of current global affairs a return to a gold standard is less than a decade away. This will of course encompass silver as a monetary metal as well. Hence all good stackers should have a sufficient supply of both in their physical form of preference.
    JohnnyBravo300 and prospect like this.
  13. prospect

    prospect Active Member

    Mar 22, 2019
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Thanks for taking over from me 66rounds, I just hope you realize what you are up against! ;)
  14. 66rounds

    66rounds Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 22, 2019
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    Only the return of the true messiah will be sufficient to separate truth from falsehood regarding these abundant conspiracy theories, and only the true word of God will be sufficient to guide us through these troubled times.
    mrsilverservice likes this.
  15. SilverSurferNan

    SilverSurferNan New Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    It has been estimated that nearly ALL Democrats in Congress and the Senate are under the threat of blackmail. The same could be said of the GOP before 2018 midterms. Nearly 40 from the GOP did not contest their seat and have ‘quietly’ bowed out of politics. At present there are over 100,000 SEALED INDICTMENTS, like Epstein received, with names, well known names from all walks of life to be opened soon. For over 2 years a team of 470 prosecutors has been working around the clock to bring justice back. We are told there is much panic in DC and many cabal have offloaded their wealth, including their gold. I’ve mentioned this earlier. If any of these cabal try to move assets, etc and they are arrested like Epstein and they fall under the EO dated 21/12/2017, their assets will be confiscated. It is believe Epstein’s money and assets are already frozen. The cabal are watching very, very closely what QAnon is dropping, but they too are being watched. In fact, we have been told that there are many where every breath they take can be heard. Literally. Did POTUS cause a war with NK? What about Iran?? Trade sanctions are biting China hard. Very hard. I’ll say it again. GOLD will bring down the Fed. Q
    shinymetal likes this.
  16. 66rounds

    66rounds Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 22, 2019
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    I pray this is the case but i would much rather put my hope in a higher power than a shadowy power led by a crazed puppet leader.
  17. SilverSurferNan

    SilverSurferNan New Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    100% correct! If you are reading those Twitter Accts from Praying Medic, many are finding Christ and I believe there will be a worldwide spiritual revival as these terrible crimes against the most innocent and vulnerable among us are revealed to mankind. It will shock the world and it will put many in hospital. This is Baal worship and the worship of Moloch at its most horrifying. Two things. POTUS did not need to do this. And this is prophet Kim Clement who died of a lung issue, but saw Trump elected. The one true mark of a prophet of God? Their words come to pass.

    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019
    shinymetal likes this.
  18. 66rounds

    66rounds Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 22, 2019
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    Their is no Prophet after the final Prophet (PBUH). Although I am not a christian, I pray that a worldwide spiritual revival does rid us of this devil worshiping cabal once and for all.
  19. Peter

    Peter Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Crazy people forum thread
    silver kooka and JulieW like this.
  20. SilverSurferNan

    SilverSurferNan New Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    On this we can agree. Prepare yourself and loved ones for the horrors about to be revealed.
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