Monitoring the Crypto Bubble

Discussion in 'Digital Currencies' started by Bullion Baron, Dec 12, 2017.


Where do you think we are in the crypto bubble?

  1. Very early (years left to run)

  2. Around the middle (could still run for months or a year)

  3. Very late (could end within days/weeks)

  4. It's not a bubble

  1. jerrygold

    jerrygold Active Member Silver Stacker

    Dec 9, 2017
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    I don't get these people who are against something for no reason at all. You can get into crypto by investing nothing but your time. Zero financial risk. You tell these people that and they still act like its evil.

    I think with these sorts of people it is a religious thing, they believe it is part of a cashless society or something. That is why they will never do it.
    southerncross and renovator like this.
  2. Stoic Phoenix

    Stoic Phoenix Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 12, 2014
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    BuggedOut and jerrygold like this.
  3. jerrygold

    jerrygold Active Member Silver Stacker

    Dec 9, 2017
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    How else can you explain their blind hatred and bitterness about it? If you know any fundie christians you know cashless society is a big topic for them. If they really believe their bible they should know they can do nothing about it anyhow and be glad they are going to heaven soon.
  4. Howe

    Howe Member

    Nov 27, 2013
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    $3.30 now :eek:
  5. dozerz

    dozerz Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 21, 2013
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    would have to agree the aussie market means nothing compared to the asia buying power. take a look at the daily figures done on bithump and we are barely 1%, thats only one exchange. half of australians dont even lodge tax returns, the rest will not bother to declare their crypto gains.
  6. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    All in your mind
    Danger ?
    I'm more scared when I have to go into the City and negotiate roads full of Tourist's who instinctively swerve to the Left and are unable to understand the usage of Round About's. The dickhead texting on their mobile in the next lane at 100 kmh and vehicles coming at you sideway's on a wet road and hairpin bend as you head up the Range at the end of the day because they loose traction due to speed.
    Ever been on foot in a yard full of freshly mustered Cattle ? Shone your head torch to the side ten foot and noticed the big slab of handbag on the beach helping itself to your fresh bait? Had your Missus catch you watching Porn at 2:00 AM ?

    Say you put $1000 into ADA 25 day's ago, and sold a $1000 worth of it today ? OOH Dangerous huh ?
  7. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    All in your mind
    Yes $1000 wont make you rich BB, but it would allow you to take back your initial investment and still have over $8000 to play with as result though right ?

    Your point's above have been covered time and again to Infinitude on these threads over the last six months at least.

    1 Don't leave your funds on an exchange unless you have to for trading purposes.
    2 Very unlikely, and in any case is covered by number one above.
    3 Your Fault and Nobody else's. Make a list and check it twice, and then again.
    4 Refer to #3 Above.
    5 Yep you get that, That is why people say DYOR, Research, DYODD, ETC ETC. Not like there was ever a company or Business failure ever in History, Enron, AOL, Myspace. and the list go's on.
    6 Yep refer again to #3, #4 and #5 above.

    So what is Rich ? I'd dare say for the vast majority of people, just having a $1000 dollars spare to piss away would be a Fookin luxury in this day and age in this Country.
    If you haven't noticed, Most are struggling to pay Mortgages or Rent and Power Bills each month, Most are in Debt up to their eyeballs, Most are Fookin Deb't slaves to the System with the Banks on one side and the .Gov't on the other squeezing them for every 5c piece they can.

    You think maybe a spare $8000 would make a difference in their lives BB ?, maybe just an extra $1000 a month even ?
  8. Stoic Phoenix

    Stoic Phoenix Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 12, 2014
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    ^ This. 1 million points for common sense and logic go to SX
    southerncross likes this.
  9. serial

    serial Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Aug 19, 2012
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    be careful bullion baron or you will find yourself on the receiving end of southerncross's fanatical ranting abuse.
    I have discussed opposing views on gay marriage, brexit, libertarian economic policy, Trump and even Chinese medallion investments with people heavily invested in them who hold a different point of view and never have I encountered the same level of personal abusive attacks as I have when pointing out the deficiencies in cyrptos with crypto fanatics whilst forming and voicing a view when the bubble will burst in a thread about when the crypto bubble will burst
    I always feel sorry for people who risk it all then fail because at least they tried to better their life and they have put their money where their mouth is but when cyrptos fail and you lose all that "paper profit" you claim to have made I will laugh my arse of and point out what a twat you were. that's if you have the balls to stay on the forum with the same account.
    and jerry gold, no one has said its evil, despite the fact you constantly spout how it doesn't matter what it is so long as you make money , you just transform the opinions of others who believe that it is a high risk investment based on the observation that it WILL fail one day (despite its massive short term gains) as "blind hatred and bitterness"
    its is actually rational thinking something you lack when evaluating this investment because you are blinded by greed, the same greed that gets people to send life savings to Nigerians hoping to get a $100mil inheritance etc
    That's bullshit, most investors may do this at first but then regret it and end up investing more money in, they very rarely cash out.
    ok southerncross, are you 100% investment returned and thus have technically not invested a single cent into cryptos ? ie if your cryptos were rendered worthless tomorrow without you having a chance to cash any out would you have lost money?
    people very rarely do this as they get hooked and start looking for more money to put in to make more money, then when the bubble burst they look back at all the times they had a chance to cash out rich but stayed in to long and are now broke.
    this is enough to push people to suicide but hey that's ok, they can dyod and they don't need people warning them, pointing out the train that is about to wreck.
    but go on keep abusing me on this precious metal forum that you choose to frequent despite the fact you hate everything about physical wealth compared to your paper/fiat/shares/crypto
  10. Stoic Phoenix

    Stoic Phoenix Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Can you provide any link to anything to back this claim please or is this merely your opinion ?

    You seem to continually argue against logic and fact with your opinion and gut feeling and it appears you unfortunately think you can hold your own with this method.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
  11. serial

    serial Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Aug 19, 2012
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    ok stoic, lets start with you, have you cashed out your initial investment or have you added more capital since then?
    have you more then doubled your initial investment ?
  12. Stoic Phoenix

    Stoic Phoenix Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 12, 2014
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  13. serial

    serial Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Aug 19, 2012
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    well congratulations!
    if it isn't to personal a question can I ask how much value you have in cyrptos now?
    a 4 figure amount? 5? 6?
  14. Stoic Phoenix

    Stoic Phoenix Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Thanks Serial,
    Without evidence I would say many on here that do discuss cryptos regularly have pulled out their original investment and those that havent if you are happy to potentially lose it then all good and I am sure they are aware of the risks.
    Most people on here seem to have their heads screwed on.
  15. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    All in your mind
    Do you actually read anything on here or just constantly pull your hair, gnaw on your knuckles and worry about everybody else like old Esme on A Country Practice ?

    Just to be clear, My initial investment in Crypto was a small part of two power bills which totaled less than three k, A couple of rigs that cost me 7K, I have in fact withdrawn over $50K over the last several months alone that is all pure profit, I am not going to reveal to you and everyone else here what I have is worth, but just let you know that from my original initial investment I spread some profits around, 50,000 WGR here, 7000, ADA there, 6000 PLR, all at less than .10c each, most quite a bit less than that. I also hold OMG, ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH, ARDR, IGNIS, DCR, SALT, DASH, NXT, NVO, ICN, etc, etc, etc + some, OH and around 3 million Doge sitting around somewhere on my Laptop that I just cant be fucked looking for at the moment. And if you really want to get your Rubber glove in deep, you might go check out the Share trading threads here as well so you can go look at some my (according to you) Failures there as well like BGS, SAS amongst others.

    And you know what ? If it all went away tomorrow, I would still be alright as I have been stacking for years and also selling here for years, Shit I even donated a 1 KG Lunar Tiger on these forums once for Kidney disease, donated an Oz of gold to somebody who served our country as a Soldier and had half his life stolen by Fooken thieves, and another to a Young girl dying of Cancer, who unfortunately eventually died + others. Nearly anybody I have any serious conversation here with knows that one of my first messages is that "Wealth is not measured By your bank Balance but By your Loved ones Friends and Family". No doub't i will here some response about me skiting about that but I challenge you here and now to produce any evidence of it.

    You might also want to know that I am a Prepper, we grow and kill our own livestock from birth to death, Choock's, Duck's, Turkeys, Pig's, Cattle, Goats, and the unfortunate odd Wallaby when we want some Jerky. We grow tropical Fruit, Coffee, Vegies, Have solar and backup Gennie systems and also grow a Tree called Moringa that you can use to make Bio Diesel as well if it all go's to shit. so really my dear I couldn't give a Damn if a solar flare knocked it all out tomorrow, I'm just here for the Now.

    So quit it with your inane bullshit already.

    I don't pump, I don't mislead, I help and assist others who ask for it.

    If you want Greed go look at the Fucken banks, the corporations, the Local Gubmints. I'm just here to help the little guy get at least a little bit ahead.

    And here's one just for you and them lovely Salty tears of yours.

  16. serial

    serial Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Aug 19, 2012
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    this is a huge amount, it represents the amount other people have put in, wealth does not come from now where in this type of investing, it is transferred from one person to another
    the amount you have risked is chicken feed compared to the amounts I have heard other people have thrown into this, they aren't interested in buying a new car, they want to retire and they believe the bullshit that there is no danger and that it is the future so they think they will make heaps of money for years to come. problem is when it reverts to zero then the market cap before the bubble burst is the losses suffered by the last round of investors still holding this worthless investment.
    but I can help but note we are off track of the topic.
    bitcoin is in a bubble, it will fail this year when tax departments, who work closely with banks/financial institutions get involved to 1st rip as much money as they can from this potential cash cow and when the cash cow is mortally wounded they will kill it with regulation just before introducing their own, highly regulated and governed version to placate the masses who got involved based on the money transfer basis of the tech (something I actually agree with, bitcoin as a payment tool I like, as an investment it is cancer)
    the exact timing is a moot point as people have pointed out different countries run tax affairs at different times, but I am sure I have made it clear the way I see this playing out
    but fuck you to anyone who thinks that they can tell me to "Fucken Zip It" on a metals forum when you are promoting worthless fiat like wealth
    I am a true beliver in silver/gold as a preserver of wealth, you are just involved in the exact opposite because you are trying to make a quick buck, its a get rich quick scheme , I get that, but stop pretending it is anything else
    if you don't like to hear this then fuck off to crypto investment forum where you can circle jerk to your latest crypto investment, this is a site (and I take this from silverstackers official blurb) "Discussion forum for those that love to stack Silver & Gold"
    what you are talking about is the extreme opposite of the spectrum
    a couple of places you can convers without opposition
  17. serial

    serial Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Aug 19, 2012
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    yeh you come across as salt of the earth
    need I point out you started this argument by abusing me because I hard the cheek to name when I thought the bubble will burst, you just couldn't let me voice an opinion without abusing and belittling me.
    your insecure, it shows in your massive over reaction to my short and impersonal comment.
    but hey keep pumping cyprtos, keep pushing this shit and making it out to be something more than just a highly complicated Ponzi scheme
    I don't care, I will stick to the rest of the forum and leave this doomed part of the forum for your rants.
    hope that makes you happy
  18. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    All in your mind
    Your Short impersonal comment Like "People will die" as a result of investing in Crypto's?

    Your imputation that people like me, are trying to scam or pump shit, so we can make a personal profit ?

    Your utter and complete Ignorance of what you are commenting on ?

    Listen Snowflake, go crawl away and lick your wounds and take it all as a learning lesson.
    I know you feel down right now, and your cheeky little cheeks are stinging from your prediction of when the bubble will burst backfire, and the resultant tripe that
    you followed up with. But hey Life is all about learning right ?

    Any time you want to get aboard the Crypto Train, or Boat, feel free to PM me. Life is too short for Grudges and Bill's and I'm always happy to help a newbie get started.

    You might find my approach offensive and ungentle, but the thing is that I couldn't give two sweet fuck's about your feelings as they don't really matter.
  19. jerrygold

    jerrygold Active Member Silver Stacker

    Dec 9, 2017
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    Bullion Baron is right in that most of these altcoins will go close to zero in the long term. So DO NOT get attached to them, make a buck off them and GTFO.

    With that in mind southerncross lays out a very logical and sound argument for anyone who cares to make money.
  20. jerrygold

    jerrygold Active Member Silver Stacker

    Dec 9, 2017
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    Why do you care if anyone here loses money investing in anything? You seem to really care and want to alert people. This is odd behaviour for a man as a man knows other men already know this. A man knows other men don't want to be protected from themselves. It is like people who think those who invest in gold and silver are morons and will lose their money, you see the irony right?

    From what I can read between the lines most people here including myself are telling people they should get involved in crypto purely because its easy to make money right now. We are happy because we were successful and aren't here shilling shit to make more money. southerncross sounds happy to me, he is seeing things in a new way due to the easy money he made, meanwhile people like you seem bitter. Besides crypto being a get rich quick scheme, which it is right now as even you admit, it is also a very innovative technology that allows things not possible before.

    Why are you allergic to get rich quick schemes? Because they all fail eventually? Who gives a shit if you can get rich now with it? If you go in knowing it could all collapse tomorrow then what else do you need to know? You could get rich, you could lose it all. Better to have some skin in the game than live your life like a scared chicken.

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