When To Sell Gold/Silver? When To Buy Real Estate (Video Link)

Discussion in 'Silver' started by silversurfer2010, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. renovator

    renovator Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
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  2. silversurfer2010

    silversurfer2010 New Member

    Apr 5, 2010
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    What would you guys like to see in future videos?
  3. Captain Kookaburra

    Captain Kookaburra Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Mike telling us all how much he loves to read Silver Stackers. :)
  4. Chilli

    Chilli Member Silver Stacker

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Could you point me to that video please :).....................edited to say, found it....Thanks.
  5. LeadWrist

    LeadWrist New Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    That is a good idea and I will create a separate thread on the topic as I begin to do a little more research myself. It will be interesting to hear what other people's exist plans are who are planning on swapping to another investment.
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Discussion on the psychology of irrational markets and manipulation of the masses by general media, government and vested interests to create and maintain bubbles.

    The Australian housing bubble is a classic case in point. I find it fascinating how easy it was for the banking cartel to manipulate political sway and the population to the whim of debt and double down on our financial commitment (effectively thieving future labor) and have the people vote in favour of it.

    Especially in context with historical reference of how these social and political circles tie in closely with wealth cycles.
  7. LeadWrist

    LeadWrist New Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    I would assume a lot (most?) of the people on this forum would have read Maloney's Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver, and if you have then there is nothing new in the video. That is all I'm trying to say. And in regards to my level of investing/market awareness I'd be happy to be 'average' around here as I've only really just started investing!
  8. The Accountant

    The Accountant New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    Does anyone else out there have any reservations about Mike's altruistic motivations in leading us to the PM nirvana? I wonder how much dough he makes flogging PM at spot++. I wouldn't like to be waiting for an email from him to pick the top!

    As a cranky bald headed accountant I never trust a man with that much hair - and a yankee ranga as well!
  9. LeadWrist

    LeadWrist New Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    If you really want to hear people's opinion on this I would recommend starting a new thread to get their attention. This is a little off topic...
  10. The Accountant

    The Accountant New Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    New Tread posting
  11. renovator

    renovator Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Ive never read an investment book in my life & dont intend to.I have watched a few of the videos on here recently & they all have the 1 common theme ...THEORY & past graphs & i believe while you should look at the past we are in times where they dont have relevance .
    Its all new ground with the world in such a state. But i can count & know if you spend less than you make your going forwards & if you have an investment & its appreciating in price your on a winner ..I feel all the investment books & videos wont help you if you lack the common sense to know when to get out so common sense is the main requirement in investments
  12. malachii

    malachii Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I'm always a bit suss when people use (as Mike did here) the top of the last silver bubble and project off this. It is well known that this price peak was a manipulation pure and simple. Why would market fundamentals return to a manipulation point? He uses right back to 1900 for his dow/gold ratio but only uses back to 1980 for his silver and gold purchasing power projection completely missing (with silver particularly) the rest of the cycle. He then follows on with "if silver can reach here with only a few people buying - imagine how high it will go with more people buying". Surely this misses the point of the manipulation. The price of silver could only get that high because only a few people were dealing in it. If there were a lot (as he claims now)- it couldn't be manipulated to that level.

    I know - it's different this time (funny how this works with some investments and not others).

  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I have Mike's book. It was an excellent read.

    Mike's work is based off fundamentals for a good reason, because wealth cycles are predictable events which happen repeatedly throughout human history, including the prevailing attitudes, opinions and paradigms that follow them.

    Mike is as much a historian as he is an investor and for my mindset, that makes complete sense in every way.

    But to assume past trends are not indicative of future prospects would be ignorant I believe. This is one of the biggest failings in human psychology, even in terms of investments.

    Not learning from history.

    If people honestly believe we're any smarter now than we were 100 years ago as a collective, they're kidding themselves. We're not even close.

    For all our gadgets, gizmos and technological wizardry (in general), we've never been more stupid as a species and I assure you, it's no by accident at all this is the case. It's by design we're being dumbed down...

    It's fine to be cautious and cynical about anyone who is a public speaker, but I believe Mike is on the level.
  14. renovator

    renovator Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
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    read malachis post above i see it the same way & i DID say you need to look at the past.... its not an indicator of the present to many things have changed
  15. LeadWrist

    LeadWrist New Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    Without having read this particular book there is no way you could know whether it would be helpful to you or not. Knowledge is power. Without it you are just ignorant. With it you have the power to decide whether you use it or not. If you never plan on reading a book on this topic does that mean you never intend on asking anyone else's opionion or watching any kind of media related to it? Because there would be no point if you can figure it all out yourself with 'common sense'.

    malachii I agree completely. Silver's last peak is absolutely irrelevant as far as I am concerned.
  16. renovator

    renovator Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
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    just because i dont read a specific book doesnt make me ignorant .im obviously a little older than you & when i grew up there was no books to guide you through & millions of people became wealthy not through reading books ..I have a great life a good stack lots of investments & always have money in my pocket so commonsense has been kind to me thus far

    I always listen to others opinions but i make up my own mind but i rarely ask for others opinions because their opinion wont make me change my decisions Im the type of person that has faith in my own judgement & dont really need reassurance from others to make a decision.
  17. LeadWrist

    LeadWrist New Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    If your breaks down you can:

    a) take it to a mechanic
    b) do your own research by asking other people or reading a repair manual
    c) attempt to diagnose and fix it yourself without doing any research and probably fuck it up several times before you get it right

    I'm sure the first person to build a car didn't read how to do it in a book, but why reinvent the wheel when you can learn from other's mistakes?

    In regards to Maloney's book, he uses historical data to explain why the state current economies are in is not unseen territory and has happened to several fiat based economies throughout history. I don't believe you can disagree with what he says without actually listening to exactly what he has to say first. Obviously I'm talking about his book and not the above video.

    If you can figure out ALL you need to know to be a successful investor yourself without anyone else's help you are either a dead set genius or just lucky. If you can make money with common sense and a bit of luck then you should be able to make even more with the same luck and the ability to make 'educated' decisions.
  18. renovator

    renovator Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Leadwrist i dont want to sound like a smartarse but my my father is a mechanic & ran a very successful business in the automotive industry for my entire life & i knew how to build an engine in my teenage years & i have been heavily invovled on the motrcycle industry for many years having owned a custom motorcycle & car restoration workshop & 1 of my motorcycles is an ICV which is an individually constructed vehicle what i constructed from scratch including handmaking the frame so repairing a car is not a problem .including painting it wiring it ..I have learned enough skills from friends & family to make my own educated decisions without asking for advice anymore .

    One of the best pieces of advice came from my father when i wanted to become an apprentice mechanic & he told me you already know most of it you will be scratching your arse for the majority of the time why dont you do another trade so i took on carpentry.

    .Iadmit there was times when i asked for information & advice but im at stage in life where i know enough about a dozen trades to get me by in life i rarely get others to do anything for me after many years of paying for substandard work that i could do myself with the right tools so now i have enough tools to sink a ship my investment in tools is enough to make your eyes water.

    Now i didnt say there was anything wrong with MM im sure he has plenty of good things to say for the masses .Im just not 1 of the masses .Like i said b4 theres some things you cant learn from a book or lecture or video ...Its called experience . There is more to learn from experience than most would appreciate.i am & have always been more of a practical person more than a theorist because theory will only get you so far then the practical real life experiences will need to be applied .Life isnt a book its reality.

    Those books & videos would have been great over 30 years ago but the video recorder wasnt invented then ...i didnt see colour tv until i left high school So you see we are from different generations where books & .cult following of certain individuals wasnt around We had different mentors like parents & friends.Now the things i dont know about i just pay to have them done & have no inclination to know the hows & whys just fix it & give me the invoice.

    now about the genius part..i have a hat with a propellor does that make me a genius?.Well luck is 1 of those things that i believe that you make your own luck .Its where good preparation meets opportunity.If your not prepared when the opportunity arises then you miss the boat . I hope that explains the questions you needed answers for
  19. zargor

    zargor Member

    Dec 4, 2010
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    For me, this post has been one of the ones I have enjoyed reading the most.

    Not because of who wrote it; not because of to whom it was addressed but merely for the fact that it engages me as a reader as to the possibilities available when you combine a theoretical and practical/experience perspective.

    And whilst I hear people say this time it's different with the economy and other GFC-related matters, one thing that doesn't change is the human-response. Fear, greed, worry have always been with people and how they react to certain circumstances is mirrored over decades and generations.

    That's what I like about this forum - there is a rich diversity of people in different stages of life and circumstances, with value to bring to these discussions. Quite often I have noticed a number of threads have a subtle blending of motivation/adrenalin/idealism from various members, with a balancing of temperament/experience/practical viewpoints from others and for me at least that provides me with one of the best responses to a question I could ever ask.

    I also find my respect increasing for those members who provide responses expressing a view without denigrating another member's viewpoint and accepting it as equally valid - a skill which I lament appears to be reducing in the outside world.

    In fact, the only criticism I have of this forum is the overt perversion some members have with mullets. They're not even good mullets - absolute shockers! Nugget, I'm looking in your direction!

    Zargor :)
  20. goldpelican

    goldpelican Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 29, 2009
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    Maybe Mike could revisit the real requirements for the "source of silver for ASE production" in light of recent House subcommittee lambasting of the US Mint in relation to bullion production?


    See this thread (including Mike's previous comments) for an example of the confusion:


    I don't interpret "available sources" as "US mined" - isn't Mexican production for example an "available source" if it was simply imported?

    To me, restricting ASE production to US mined silver is an artificial cap on ASE sales - we're already at the point where annual production of ASEs (to my knowledge) exceeds US mining production, so the US will be forced to dip into the strategic reserves (of which there is how much and how long will it last?) to produce ASEs. Coupled with recent attempts to change legislation wording from "public demand" to "as the Treasurer deems appropriate" in regards to how much bullion coinage should be sold to the public, one might question whether the screws are slowly being placed on the ability of the US citizenry and the rest of the world to acquire physical coined bullion via supply constraints.

    Would be even better if Mike could give the forum a shoutout for the question :p

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