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Discussion in 'Digital Currencies' started by southerncross, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. aussiesilver

    aussiesilver Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Aug 4, 2009
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    I only read the first line of your post Soprano and i skipped to the bottom of your post to hit the Like Button,,im now heading back to the top line again to continue reading
    Soprano16 likes this.
  2. Soprano16

    Soprano16 Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Thanks mate, but even with that wall of text I've barely scratched the surface

    The irony is uncanny, but I mentioned him above and he has literally just released this video which I think is perfect timing based on this thread, and I think everyone, both people for and against crypto on this forum will get a lot of out of this

    willrocks mentioning LTC in particular has also reminded me of an important message that most people seem to forget. With the gains and mania that has been happening over the past few months everyone is so focused on finding the next pump, but most people are missing what is staring right in front of them - established, blue chip coins that seem "boring" for the time being and have gone backwards, and LTC would be on the top of my list. It's current price is so undervalued, and it isn't new and flashy plus so many people have just seen it's price go backwards lately but I see that as being the perfect time to get in right now and accumulate
    southerncross, leo25 and willrocks like this.
  3. mmm....shiney!

    mmm....shiney! Administrator Staff Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 15, 2010
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    Actually that was going to be my next question in this thread. Does LTC have a future? What does it do differently that other coins do not? I'm lukewarm on it and my funds are limited. The tweets coming from Charlie Lee over the past month or so have generally been defensive, even hostile to other other coins/platforms eg Ethereum, also the fact that he sold his stake in LTC troubles me as I'm a firm believer in consuming/owning what you peddle, whether it's a crypto, an airline company or a cafe. I know all the counter-arguments as to why he sold, but from my perspective as an outsider if the creator doesn't own anything then I don't want a part of it. But I can be persuaded to think otherwise.

    At the moment any extra funds I have will be going toward buying OMG in preference to LTC.
  4. Soprano16

    Soprano16 Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Dec 28, 2016
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    LTC is one of the few established and functioning coins and what makes it so valuable long term is that it has adoption and first to market credit

    Look at nearly every exchange - LTC is one of the very few options as a fiat gateway, and LTC is being accepted as payment at so many places, which again being first in this space gives them a massive tick for adoption

    Charlie donating all of his LTC to the foundation definitely impacted it's price and even he himself has acknowledged that he probably could have delivered the news differently but right now LTC is just chugging along without much notice and love and that makes it a great buy now

    You'll often hear that LTC is the Silver to Bitcoin's Gold. LTC is established, has the branding, the product and most importantly adoption.

    It's only a matter of time before they start announcing news etc and then all of a sudden LTC is back up and running, which makes now a great time to buy. I actually don't have any LTC right now as I sold out near the top after Charlie announced he was out but that was purely because I expected that to impact it's price, and planned on getting back in because the product is solid AF

    When we look at new products we focus on so many things like the whitepaper, team, what makes its unique, is it actually solving a problem etc etc but you don't really need to do all of that with the already established, functioning and adopted coins like LTC

    It's quick, low fees, and has adoption and first to market. Even when you look at prices LTC nearly always follows BTC.

    I'm sure you can get bigger gains elsewhere with low cap coins etc but when you're wanting to secure yourself in Top blue chip coins I think LTC definitely has the biggest growth potential from here in terms of gains

    All that being said, if you're looking at OMG then that's just as good imo. Funnily enough LTC and OMG are the exact two bigger coins I don't have any more which I'm wanting to get back in
    willrocks and mmm....shiney! like this.
  5. SULLA

    SULLA Member Silver Stacker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Anything that is listed on Coinbase will will win.

    The rest is up to research!

    and more research and more research.

    Before you invest in cryptos you really need to understand what the Blockchain is. Once you understand that you then need to understand the objective of a coin.

    Buying because it is cheap or fallen 100% is not a reason to buy.

    Research! Is your saviour!
    southerncross likes this.
  6. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    All in your mind
    Nearly anyone unfamiliar with Crypto's only knows or associates all crypto with Bitcoin and pays very little attention to the underlying technology that has evolved under the Bitcoin umbrella , so to speak.
    There are numerous copy's and tweaks of bitcoin itself that have been opportunistically launched but also Crypto's such as Litecoin that while they fall under the Copy label, have also instituted changes which make/allow them to be far more versatile than Bitcoin itself.

    Then there are the so called second Gen Crypto's such as Ethereum, which rather than simply being a pure end to end means of transferring funds have taken the technology presented with Bitcoin and used it as a platform to integrate all sorts of current business practices into the Blockchain environment while also opening up new ideas and concepts for decentralizing existing commercial platforms such as banking and sharemarkets along with many others.

    This and the following are where I see the major opportunity's over coming years, the disruptive aspect that Blockchain offers to traditional markets will be enormous and affect many different different industry's. But just as with the original Bitcoin there will be many MeToo Crypto's that are just Copy's or Tweaks and as many have already alluded to, there will be "Centralized" Bankster copy's of such Eth type platforms as well. These might also be quite successful though as they will be regulated and may offer a sense of security to those more risk avert. In any case the use case for Blochchain technology will not be going away anytime soon, it is inevitable and there is no stopping the momentum now.

    The next wave of Crypto or Third Gen ones are those like Iota, Cardano, Walton etc, IOT Crypto's and those that maybe/could/might solve issues found with the previous classes of Crypto such as scaling, privacy, chain interconnection etc. Those and Platform/Exchange Cryptos such as Binance or Crypto's that have actual usage potential such as Wagerr , or TenX, Metal, Pillar etc.

    Most people just look at the headlines, Listen to Kochie, or the Project and only hear or look at Bitcoin as a get rich quick mania, and it's not until they actually understand what the technology is behind a ten year old means of transferring funds and how much it has evolved till now that they get an appreciation of what it actually offers and how disruptive it will become in the current and near future.

    I personally look for Crypto's that solve current problems or offer alternatives to current practices, ones that identify actual use and and how they can provide a real alternative to the current way of doing things. Not all will survive or course, but those that do will lead on to more change and adaptation/disruption of the way we currently do tihngs.

    .Gov and Bank's know this, that is why there is a mad scramble for regulation/control and adaptation by themselves right now, they fear losing the iron fist of control they have held for so long with their paper markets.
  7. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    All in your mind
    Short answer YES. Platforms such as ETH, EOS, BNB, ARDR, IGNIS, etc etc offer a base from which a lot of new business' can evolve, ETH Contracts for example or From which ICO's can be launched and also Crytpo's traded on such as BNB. One of the problems I see with some though is the push back they could face form traditional institutions and Gubmints. Places such as China can just say Goodbye to such platforms if they become too much of a headache for places like Wallstreet institutions and the like and Politicians get leaned upon by interested party's.
    We have seen this recently in South Korea with a single politician making a statement which had no solid Government backing at all, but which affected the entire Crypto market at the time.

    Picking your Crypto's all comes down to what Sulla said above, Research, Research, Research. The product, the Team behind it, the actual use, spread of ownership, home base, competitors, most of all once you have done all that though is HODLING through all the FUD and the associated roller coaster that is the market.
    Stoic Phoenix likes this.
  8. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    All in your mind
    Just for the record. I was quite tempted to go there and respond, as some of the previous stuff was quite egregious and outright slanderous.
    But this thread wasn't made for that, but to gather together the knowledge that is available here on SS about Crypto's and consolidate it in the one place for people to take advantage of.
    So far it seem's to be working and there have been some great insights shared as was the original intent. so thankyou sincerely to those who have provided their insight and knowledge so far.

    One thing that I think has not been discussed much yet is the case for diversifying across the many Crypto's available and the opportunity for hedging with different crypto's.

    Bitcoin for example is seen as the Face of Crypto by the MSM and those who are unfamiliar with Crypto's , but to many who have been in the game for a while it is seen as a Crypto that is dying a slow death due to many different issues, politics, fees, cost/speed of TX's, and a dinosaur like refusal to adopt any changes that might rectify any of these issues. While copy's or Forks like Litecoin or Bitcoin Cash have moved with the times and embraced changes and adapted to issues that have held Bitcoin itself back from greater ease of usage, Bitcoin itself seems to have become a hostage of particular groups arguing between each other about which way to go while history passes them by.

    I personally only hold about 10% of my portfolio in BTC as a result as I can't really see Bitcoin itself as it now exists surviving as the top dog for too much longer before it becomes eclipsed by the likes of ETH, BCH or even LTC in time to come. I honestly think that it's current status is due to it being the number one trading partner for all other Crypto's on the exchanges and that this dynamic will sooner or later rapidly change with the advent of DEX's taking over from the more popular centralized exchanges. Add to that the current incursions of the traditional fiat banking system with their adoption of BTC and shorting facility's and it is becoming further and further removed from the ideals proposed in the original BTC whitepaper nearly every week.
    BCH and LTC on the other hand are staying true to those ideals and also evolving at the same time, embracing change and adapting while BTC is mired in a wallow of politics and stagnation.

    The same can be said for ETH and other emerging platforms as well. While I really like Ethereum and hold around 20% of my portfolio there, it also is not immune to challengers such as Cardano in the future either, currently $130 billion+ AUD ......but slowed by a bunch of people trading virtual fucken cats FFS ???

    So I try and balance the here and now with the future, BTC V BCH, ETH V ADAV NEO V EOS/BNB etc. It's not very scientific at all but I have developed it over time by watching the charts on the pullback's, most times one go's up the other go's down and vice versa.

    Those aside, there are some that seemingly defy the markets at times as well, those that have no apparent nemesis in the current market such as NVO, WGR, PLR etc and just glide along up and down at their own pace while the market does it's thing. These are ones I like to collect as they don't yet have any identifiable crypto competitor, but could easily disrupt major traditional markets in the blink of an eye once launched.

    WGR for example aims to offer a blockchain alternative to online sports gambling that is currently worth over $3 trillion per year globally, peer to peer, group to group, instant odd's, instant irrevocable payouts all based on Blockchain tech with no Middle man collecting fees along the way, Bookies become obsolete, along with online gambling sites collecting their cut as well. They Burn half of all very minimal fees and pay the rest out to those who either stake the WGR Crypto or regulate the results and payouts via master nodes on the network.

    This is the sort of stuff that those who hear about Bitcoin on the TV or Radio never hear about, as they never take a look under the hood of what crypto actually is or means for them in the future, all they ever hear about is Scams and Ponzi schemes, never the nut's and bolts of what makes it work.

    Generations of been ripped off by "Legal or Official" Bagmen such as Banks, Real estate, Insurance, Council's, Sharemarkets, MSM, Gubmint, etc have inoculated most people from any other viable alternative to the point that unless it has been "Officially Endorsed" by such they have been conditioned to refute it as a legitimate alternative.

    Funny thing is that right now, while such institutions are scrambling to get aboard with their own adaptations of Crypto tech they are also busily decrying it publicly as an evil get rich quick scheme on the MSM and running it down as ponzi at the same time.

    Seriously, ask yourself why is Wallstreet, Governments worldwide, Banks everywhere, the ASX even adopting it right now, while also at the same time saying it is dangerous, trying to regulate it, and running it down in the media every chance they get ?
  9. Gullintanni

    Gullintanni Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    New Zealand
    I think when doge hits 0.000?????? again it might also be a smart buy for a good return.
    I know the coin was a gag coin but to look at the volume in trading it is popular.
    I guess it is because it is "known".
    Netko that i suggested will turn some big dollars this year has volume of only several thousand dollars a day but Doge is doing 20 million.
  10. leo25

    leo25 Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I like Crypto Investor videos, logical & well balanced talks. I think everyone in cyrpto's should listen to one of his videos every now and then to stay grounded to reality.
    willrocks and mmm....shiney! like this.
  11. mmm....shiney!

    mmm....shiney! Administrator Staff Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 15, 2010
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    In my opinion two cryptos to hold as a hedge against others, XRP and OMG.

    XRP (the establishment) v everything else.

    OMG v XRP.

    OMG v atomic swaps
    renovator and Gullintanni like this.
  12. mmm....shiney!

    mmm....shiney! Administrator Staff Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 15, 2010
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    A simple strategy I’m using: holding NEO long term and using the GAS credits to add to my long term holds in other cryptos, which at the moment I’m concentrating on is OMG because I hope to be getting some passive income from it when they start release their wallet.

    I’m not getting “overburdened” with GAS unfortunately, but it is free money even if it is only a few $$$ here and there.
  13. Cillvir73

    Cillvir73 New Member

    Jan 3, 2018
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    At a coins website look at the teams behind the coins, read the blog, check what companies and startups they’re partnered with. I won’t buy any non-mineable or premined coins. I like Ethereum, Stellar, Syscoin, Litecoin. I know Stellar isn’t mineable but I like it anyway.
  14. Stoic Phoenix

    Stoic Phoenix Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 12, 2014
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    A search of Google’s patent database shows Bank of America owns 27 patents containing the word “blockchain,” 36 that include “bitcoin” and 39 that include “cryptocurrency.”
    boneyard likes this.
  15. Gullintanni

    Gullintanni Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    WARNING>>>>>>>Do not take crypto advice from this guy.

    Edit:though bitcoin was correct
    mmm....shiney! likes this.
  16. dozerz

    dozerz Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 21, 2013
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    pretty much wrong on all counts, when will its eventual demise be or will you also revise that call?
    Gullintanni likes this.
  17. Gullintanni

    Gullintanni Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    XRP is on the march and upto $0.57USD, only another $0.43 to go and ill be in the positive,LOL.

    Again please ignore all my future prognostications with regard to cryto.
    Unless i say i have an inside line of course which i would happily share with the team here, i have no contacts in crypto however.
  18. Gullintanni

    Gullintanni Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    ALmost all the crytos now will be history in the future, bitcoin has shed $5000 since i wrote the original comment so that can be correct.
    Some people will just have to suck it up an accept that the bubble has burst and it aint inflating again.
    Bitcoin was over valued at 19k and it is still overvalued now at 6k.

    EDIT: i want cryptos to be the next big thing because i own many ,but wanting something is often not enough. Just like silver hit $50 so to did bitcoin hit $19K and dragged all the others along with it.
    I am not bagging them because i do not own them , i am bagging them as i missed the bubble train just like i did in 2011.
    At least with silver you still have at the very worst environmentally friendly fishing weights.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2018
    oziwassabi likes this.
  19. mmm....shiney!

    mmm....shiney! Administrator Staff Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 15, 2010
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    XRP up 100% in the past seven days, over 200% in the past year. NAV up 50% the past week. Total market cap up 70% since this time last year. Doesn't sound like a bubble bursting to me.
  20. alor

    alor Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 16, 2011
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    the ride is wild
    leo25 likes this.

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