Dive in Silver Price a "Setup," Says Sprott

Discussion in 'Silver' started by Naphthalene Man, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. Yippe-Ki-Ya

    Yippe-Ki-Ya New Member

    Feb 23, 2011
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    The Land of Guilty by Default
    Thats definately not the case with global warming. But then again, this issue is being driven by the elites who do not give a sh1t about the environment in any case. For them - and their useful idiots supporting this - its all about control, and stealing money from the middle class is one sure way of financing their new world order government.
  2. Yippe-Ki-Ya

    Yippe-Ki-Ya New Member

    Feb 23, 2011
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    i concede that this particular act appears to advantage silver. However I have not done a proper analysis here and would need to understand all the other ways in which the government meddled with the silver market in order to ascertain what the real net influence of government interference was.

    Regarding the moves in the 1960's up until 1970 which led to the US government withdrawing all silver from their coinage - to be honest i dont believe for one moment that the move was inspired by bona fide concerns about what continued silver coinage would do to silver supplies.

    I am convinced instead that it was done so that the government could move to a 100% fiat currency system where they are free to print as much money (backed by nothing) as they wish - which they of course consequently did! The rabid inflation of the 1970's was the result.

    In 1971 when Nixon dropped the gold standard I believe this was the final admittance of what they (government) were up to.
    no more honest money ... only fiat so that the bankers and government would have 100% control and were free to steal the wealth of the middle class through inflation, which they have subsequently done - with incredible success!
  3. malachii

    malachii Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Your question though was if I thought removing silver was to help or hurt silver not if it was part of a wider conspiracy to create a fiat based monetry system. These are different things.

    Like I've said before - I can't find any data to support the "manipulation of the price of silver downwards for the last 100 years". If this has honestly been a long term goal of any major government or central bank then they have failed dismally as can be seen by looking at any long term silver chart. Sure, there have been blips (Hunt Bros in the late 1970s up to 1980) but as an overall - silver has basically done what every other commodity has done over time.

  4. Yippe-Ki-Ya

    Yippe-Ki-Ya New Member

    Feb 23, 2011
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    The Land of Guilty by Default

    Mate - i respect your opinion on this topic, and cannot refute it - at least not at the moment.
    All i'll say for now is that for the past 110 years, the value of silver has plunged compared to its value for the preceding couple of thousand years. Not only silver, but the relative value of gold has also languished for a good part of this period.

    Is it a coincidence that this has occurred during the watch of the power crazy western governments and their corrupt central banks which rose during this same period?

    I dont think so. Governments and central banks hate both gold and silver because it shows them up for the robber barons they are!
    For this reason i believe that they have meddled with the markets with the express purpose of suppressing gold and silver...
  5. samboyellowsub

    samboyellowsub Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    West Texas
    "Oh, I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational, when your friends arrive!"
  6. Lovey80

    Lovey80 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    I can't see how if silver has been used in some form or another as money for almost ever, and in a few decades, Keynesian style governments significantly reduce the demand for silver by eradicating it's use as currency (lets face it the real reason is that they are then not bound by the fundamental principles that give paper it's actual worth). Then how can we see this as anything other than government manipulation of silvers price.

    The demand was there for a reason, so that paper currencies had a link to something tangible, and to ensure that the currency could only be expanded at a nice slow steady pace and bubbles are very hard to form.

    Take the demand away and you would have had much stronger silver charts than what we have as history. Just because it is steadily going up like other commodities doesn't mean anything IMO
  7. malachii

    malachii Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Look at the chart that highlights the price of silver from 1970 onwards (the last year silver was used in US coinage). You'll see that the price has always been higher than before they stopped production. If they were trying to manipuled the price downwards - it was a major failure.

    Take the emotion out of the argument and use some logic. Prior to the 1960s, silver was relatively cheap. Even in 1960 the cost of silver to produce a dime would be less than 7 cents. Why would the US government use silver to produce a dime now - the silver alone would cost almost $2.50 at today's spot price ($34) assuming they stuck to the 0.0723 oz. If they reduced the silver content then they would be accused of manipulating the price of silver down. Even if they did reduce the amount - it would have to be such a ridiculously minute amount (less than 0.1g) to make the coin cost less to produce than it's face value. It just doesn't make any sense. If you were running a business there is no way you would survive long of you spent over $2.50 producing an item the is "sold" for 10 cents. This is before you look at producing quarter and half dollars.

    They stopped production using silver because they could see it would cost more than the face value of the coin. The same as they NZ government did recently with their cu/ni coins and hopefully the same was the Australian government will soon with some of our coins.

  8. MrMango

    MrMango New Member

    May 18, 2010
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    China has heaps of Aircraft carriers!
    They have the one they bought off Australia in the 80's. HMAS Melbourne everyone knows they havn't scrapped it and use it for training.
    They bought another unfinished soviet one from the Ukraine in 2001 the Varyag. Yeah they changed their mind and decided not to turn it into a casino . It will have it's first sea trials next week
    2 conventional carriers being built 1 to be finished in 2014 and the other in 2015
    1 neuclear carrier being built but at this stage will not be finished till 2020
  9. Lovey80

    Lovey80 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    Sunshine Coast, QLD
    The question I have to ask is, with FIAT tied to a PM, and knowing you can't create PM with the push of a button, would the FIAT relative price action have changed? Sure 1970 was the last silver use in coins but the next year the US went off the gold standard, Surely that drove the price of both up considering everyone of working age had grown up knowing that money was related to PM in some way (unintended consequences). Without a gold standard and without silver in coins it allowed Keynesian govenrments to print more. Inflation would have outed these crooks for the decisions they made in relinquishing PM's with relation to money. I think (without evidence) they have been manipulating the Gold and Silver price ever since in order to keep the spot light off this crooked act so that they can continue the new norm. But this can only last so long. Sooner or later the can can't be kicked down the road any longer. With the Fed inflationary policies, sooner or later the real inflation will hit the street and PM will come back and bite them in the ass. They are out of tools to fight this any longer.
  10. shinythings

    shinythings New Member

    May 7, 2011
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    Correct me if i am wrong , but in relation to silver coin content . It has always been my understanding that the content in a silver alloyed coin was cause for the general populace to hoard the coins for melting . Given that a coins purpose is to be circulated , you can understand why the silver was removed .
    The Australian 1966 50 cent piece was at the time of discontined status worth about 86 cents and slowly being stored in shoe boxe`s around the country .

    I dont subscribe to the theory of governments removing silver from coins to hurt silver , or the theory that governments hate gold and silver , there is simply no credible evidence of that , government are more focused on commodities , because they matter more to the wider community .
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks for this thread...an interesting and, at times, rather amusing read. ;)
  12. shinythings

    shinythings New Member

    May 7, 2011
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    I put no theory forward , but an opposing view is always welcome...:)

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