Chain of events before the Silver Price Crashed

Discussion in 'Silver' started by alor, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. alor

    alor Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 16, 2011
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    may be some can try put the order of events together... :p

    Let's back up, before we get into the truck to reverse it pick up some more metals.
    we are interested with the actual sequence of events here,

    before we want to consider "Things that could go wrong with silver"

    Need to go back before MF Global file bankruptcy on 31 October 2011

    Silver crashed after 21 October 2011...some1somewhere must have known that a transfer of stolen Physical properties have taken place well before the filing....of the bankrupting companies...
    (the transfer must took place before the declared bancarrota.)
    (it was not just money being stolen, but metals as well--->then we read that the exact amount of metals changing places...)

    so as we have learned before that, the silver shorts positions have been decreasing... well we were led into thinking that the shorts may be turning long...boy we were so wrong...

    after the reductions in naked shorts, it also gives an outcome to do some more shorts again.

    it looks like the price may get destroyed a second round.

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