Blasts From The Kitco Past. Oh please noooooo!

Discussion in 'Silver' started by Pirocco, Jul 28, 2018.

  1. Pirocco

    Pirocco Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2011
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    These are posts from a number of members.
    Look at how 2 of them, despite claiming alot (historical) knowledge about pm markets, blindly believed that Zerohedge scam of QE1 having been $16000 billion instead of $1200 billion, quoting (WITHOUT giving an url) a GAO document audit of the Fed, that when found, contained 2 tables of loans, clearly stated (even bold tagged) that the first its loans were summed up not term adjusted, the second was?

    And all above, was during the 2011 price trend $40>$50
    And on top of that, even I was wrong by despite to consider it plain stupid to pay $40-50, still willing to pay upto $30 an ounce, because my basis, QE (at that time) I found later on as a scam itself, since the Fed rewarded its members for NOT lending it out / holding it as excess reserves instead.

    Remark: that text tagging in above quotes, is NOT by me.
    It's how they posted it, to me, alike I was a pupil that didnt know a thing bout it (almost correct) and they were teachers (plain wrong)

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