A Diabolical Centenary

Discussion in 'Markets & Economies' started by Roswell Crash Survivor, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. Roswell Crash Survivor

    Roswell Crash Survivor Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Apr 11, 2011
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    Today, 23rd of December 2013, is the centenary of the creation of the US Federal Reserve System ('The Fed').

    Rather than revisit the same old bromides about its failures, how its objectives are inherent contradictions or how its 'downright evil'. Instead of doing that I have an alternative, here are two articles about its conception at Jekyll Island and Congressional opposition to its creation. (search for 'tombstone' in the second article; they didn't skimp on props in 1913!)

    "The Fed At 100: So Why Did They Call It The Federal Reserve System"

    "The Federal Reserve was created 100 years ago. This is how it happened."

    Historical Note:
    The First Bank of the United States: 1791-1811 (Expiration of Charter: 20 years)
    The Second Bank of the United States: 1816-1836 (Expiration of Charter: 20 years)
    The Federal Reserve: 1913-???? (Original charter expired in 1933, extended since 1927)

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