@DarwinSecond (who's old but has had to create another profile) @Stack man @GoldSilverStacker @Mount Monarch @Jay Reece 2 (@Jay Reece's doppelgänger) @Chineh @JasonSandy @Leslie Jarota @Mitchell Chesini @UkPole87 (intriguing, my mother was born in Poland, she was a Kraut though) @Maz @Belinda Gibbs And of course all the spam accounts and bots that signed up and have been booted, sayonara automated profiles.
@Rocknjarrah @Namarrkon @Kevin1960 @beegee @KPCT @Carl Harris @Skyhan @kimscotte524 @Silversurfer_99 @CanuckStacker @Tegan Zavazal @cochrancorey55 I may have missed a couple from the first couple of days in November, apologies. A stack of Canucks:
Hey, i'm new, I am beekeeper2024, excited to join this group! I’m here to sell some silvers. Looking forward to connecting with you all! Thanks!