Trusted financial media sources

Discussion in 'Markets & Economies' started by Niccoin, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. Niccoin

    Niccoin New Member

    Dec 12, 2016
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    I wanna ask you guys what kind of reliable financial media platforms you subscribed for?

    Lately, it was a big question for me. Hundreds of mainstream and alternative resources on the internet make so much "announcements", "predictions' and "suggestions", that you feel more and more lost in this endless nonsense. Maybe I'm not gonna say something life-changing, but let's think about it. Every day the front pages of the financial media spread panic with their headlines "The market is gonna crush today", "The dollar falls because of Trump's euphoria" "Silver price has been hacked", "Market goes to hell..." , "Put all your cash under the mattress" etc
    Sometimes I open the news and my first question is "Seriously, guys?!". The scariest thing is very often this kind of articles are written by pretty much respected and educated journalists and financial experts. Of cause, I'm not naive, I do understand how this media business works, but still annoying!
    There are some really important risk indicators for the market, but who announce them? People's investments decisions look like a roller coaster all the time. Even I've been doing it for four years, I sometimes don't have time to go deeper into research, I see the headline and then find myself in rush to buy-sell-or whatever the news require doing!
    For example, the investments analytics and experts have been so worried about gold price and what's gonna happen after Trump's inauguration. So, my point is not to add some comments about Trump's influence on the market, let's see the situation as a bigger picture. Gold is one of the most common precious metal investments over the decades. So, no matter who is in that chair, it goes through ups and downs every year, and the price is pushed by so many aspects.
    The world stock does nothing, just plays with the prices on time.The first news conference by U.S. President-elect Donald Trump in which he is expected to give more details about his plans for the U.S. economy- the gold prices go up! So easy and expected! Something appears on the international platform, so let's crush dollar. Any announcements about changes in the American trade policy- let's go crazy with prices on secondary market bullion, in case, this is the only option to invest for someone. European banks cannot handle all the support for newly arrived refugees- same obsession. The list goes on
    I mean we still have to be up-to-date in the news world, but just look at it with the right filters. Precious metals have been always risky and at the same time worthy area to invest in your future. So, why we all go so crazy about fake news and make wrong decisions?
    So, I'm sorry for such a long text, but I'm really wondering do you guys have any really trusted platforms (experts, media, youtube bloggers), which you've been following for long enough and haven't get disappointed in them?
    I used to subscribe "Financial Times" and "Bloomberg ", but lately they turned out as pretty non-educational resources. I also watch some youtube bloggers, but looking for more options to be aware. Thank you!

    I look forward to your comments guys! Appreciate your recommendations.
  2. AnubisOne

    AnubisOne Member

    Dec 17, 2016
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    NSW, Aus
    Best thing I ever did was sell my tv and never got another. Literally!

    Its only there to shape and mould your thoughts hence (tv program).
    Its all just propaganda and mind control, some of the sh#t I see on there when I'm out I can't believe! I just laugh, it's all like a big joke to me.

    They have managed to make a tv show about everything and anything possible.....and for the news, they bearly show you anything that is really going on..... Its bearly "news" anymore....

    Basically 99% of the main media sources are owned by the same group.
    So everything you hear see and read on the tv, newspapers ect has one agenda.... their agenda.... and they push it on you and your led to believe it's truth.

    There are some great small alternate media sources out there but you find now they are being called "fake news".... by the REAL fake news MAINSTREAM MEDIA, it's there attempt to shutdown and discredit alternate media and try ad control it all even more.

    Check out "David Seaman" on YouTube, also "InfoWars" and stay up to date with WikiLeaks!!!!!!
  3. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    All in your mind
    Check out Market Oracle, very little hype and a good track record from the person that runs it Nadeem Wayalat.
  4. tolly_67

    tolly_67 Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2010
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    The beauty of the internet is to check previous reports, etc written by commentators that you can use as reference to ascertain the level of understanding the person has.
    If they have completely missed the mark on extremely important markets such as the Dow, U.S. dollar, U.S. bonds then forget them. The market is the market and if it does not move in the direction the commentator believes it should, then don't put faith in that commentator.
  5. Niccoin

    Niccoin New Member

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Thank you guys! Appreciate it! I'll check these sources today!!!
  6. Pirocco

    Pirocco Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2011
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    If history teaches one lesson it's to NOT base decisions on financial media sources.
    Those that do, consistently end at the losing side of the zero sum story.
    The reason should be very obvious: a dump-high of a big position requires a big amount suckers willing to pay high.
  7. House

    House Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 1, 2012
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    Stack City
  8. tolly_67

    tolly_67 Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2010
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    "He who can, does; he who cannot, writes as though he can"
  9. phrenzy

    phrenzy In Memoriam - July 2017 Silver Stacker

    Oct 19, 2014
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    You can actually get good macro ideas from CNBC or Bloomberg. Just don't trade on specific ideas. You really actually have to do your own homework and have specific strong viewpoints on how things are going to unfold.

    Lots of info coming at you from every angle, take a little common sense with you everywhere and read a lot.

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