SALE The South Australia Jubilee 150 logo - Proof Gold, Silver and Bronze Coin set Mintage is 150. Yes! Really, 150 only Coins are in perfect condition Gold: 33gm 22ct Silver: 18gm Sterling Bronze: 18gm Opportunity for you to grab a RARE set in CHEAP price! Only $1,800 $1,750 $1,659 posted!! Full Sov 1910 and 1914 [SOLD] Each $425 $419 2001 Mini Outback collection (Gold, Platinum and Silver) [SOLD] Gold: 1/20oz Platinum: 1/20 oz Silver: 1oz => $225 $219 + Postage. Or F2F Brisbane CBD
Lucky day Price! The South Australia Jubilee 150 logo - Proof Gold, Silver and Bronze Coin set => $1,680 2001 Mini Outback collection (Gold, Platinum and Silver) => $185