Jim Rickards expects the currency wars to continue for at least another ten years. UNLESS the fiat system collapses underneath its own weight before that time. He sees gold as one of the only safe havens in this eventual collapse. The gold is moving into hands that won't be letting go anytime soon and the market is becoming increasingly less liquid. Click here to watch this video: http://jimrickards.blogspot.ca/2016/11/jim-rickards-is-now-right-time-to.html
Now is the right time to invest in gold as was yesterday,today and tomorrow and history clearly tells me so,I don't need J.R. or any others to tell me when to - Buy Gold
Currency wars? Where? It's the opposite: currencies support eachother. Central banks buy, and sell, other central banks currencies, in order to make their individual values not differ too much. Not new. http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/euro/emu/road/ems_en.htm The... "raging battle" against... speculators... being people that try to evade the inflation-based theft of their savings' purchasing power. Right time to "invest" in gold? Haha. Those times are those when central banks net sell instead of net buy 600 tonnes annually.
So.. as long as we buy when it is dropped, I guess it is supposed to be fine (buy the dip mentality) ?
My thoughts are that if Mr Trump spends his trillion $ on infrastructure and another trillion on the military then the world economy will boom......The stockmarkets will go up big time and the price of gold and silver will drop. If he does start spending these trillions then the time to buy gold and silver will be in 3 or maybe 4 years time as by year 5 there will be a big drop in the world economy and PM prices will soar.....