and Splawik`s Super Shares Service offer shared Masternode Pooling. Dash had a fast mine within the first 48 hours. Evan Duffield is giving away 80% of his Dash to fund Dash. Evan has no Masternodes. He is a developer who clearly cares about building Dash. He is clearly a great problem solver and has surrounded himself with an great team to build Dash. I have Masrternodes hosted by Node40. Yes, PIVX is basically a Dash clone. Of the two I have much more Dash. I would rather support the people and network that develops great technology.
Masternodes plural? Geez, you must be cashed up in this space. Well done if you were invested before the big run in Feb/Mar.
Good for you! Glad to know you have faith in Evan and his whale friends for not having any masternodes.
What is the name of at least one these whale friends?.....or is this a baseless slur. If this is a baseless slur, it says more about you than it dose about Evan. You used to rubbish cryptocurrencies altogether as I recall. Evan spoke recently about the initial fast mine situation at the Open House event. Everyone knows it was not ideal and the issue has many components to it. Dash DAO CEO Ryan Taylor researched the topic in depth for himself. I'm certainly aware of various components. Evan has stuck with the project and has brought revolutionary aspects to cryptocurrencies. That is why his technology is being copied by others and they have profited from it. I am all for brilliant developers making lots of money from their work. This applies to many other in the crypto space as well as companies developing and making the tech like Apple and Microsoft we utilise. The Dash team are working on scaling solutions among many other aspects. Hating a guy for what was probably a genuine mistake on launch of the software (benefit of the doubt) is again a reflection on the character of those hating. PIVX was being mined quietly for quite a while before it rose recently. The distribution of PIVX could well be in comparatively very few hands at this point in time. I have some PIVX.
Well my apologies for making those baseless accusations. I admit I still have much to read about why some people are staying away from dash but until then, I can't afford to give him the benefit of the doubt. You have to admit it would be easier for me to do so, if I already had a significant stake in DASH. I only have some coins in PIVX and obviously the coins could be in the hands of a few. I think that applies to alot of cryptocurrencies, otherwise the term "whale" won't be used as much.
Thought this was worth posting. A bit more about Masternodes and the InstantSend and PrivateSend functions they enable. I believe InstantSend functionality in particular is a critical feature required for mainstream crypto currency adoption.
You should really check out TX then if you like masternodes, pretty sure the slack is transferc It has always had better tech than DASH and a brilliant staking wallet, also now has new dev's in re polishing it all. I was on it from 500 sats was hitting 25k recently but now sits around 14-5k
Cryptos are looking pretty green across the board :- Except for this one :- Mr Market doesn't like the ugly sister it seems
I'm glad it's dipping. Means I can finally add more to PIVX. Still plenty of other options if PIVX masternode isn't your thing. There's TX and CHC if you're interested.
I'm setting up for staking now. Got PIVX core and wallet sync'd up and working just fine. Then I might get a virtual server on vultr for $60 a year and look at staking there or even setting up a masternode. If I'm going solo that's all I am prepared to risk at this stage, but if I do end up getting to the point of setting up a DASH masternode it'll be a cinch from there since the software, requirements, config and setup process is practically identical between PIVX and DASH.
Within the Dash Evolution software plan, you have a savings account that gains interest. These savings accounts are part of group pools that make master nodes. See this video from about at about the 29:30 min mark:
I was running a masternode back in 2015. It was easy to set up with a bit linux experiance. At this stage the number was around 3000 masternodes and a DRK Coin was around 5-8US$. I gave it up not because of too low returns, these were very good. I did stop because i was very unsure about the distribution of the whole coins and the possibility of the investment going down to zero. Was my biggest fault in crypto handling i made. I did exchange to BTC/EUR to pay some bills. Should have used AU/AG to pay them.
DASH is going on another run at the moment. Since I posted this thread its price has almost tripled. Price of a DASH Masternode is now closing in on $300K AUD. To rich for my blood now and my only hope of setting up a Masternode is if they halve the requirement to 500 DASH (or lower). It's that sinking feeling realising you were right, you were early....but you missed the boat and just couldn't get sh*t together in time.
Get that feeling quite a bit with Crypto. After a while I just walk away from it and try to not think about it or look at the charts. There just seem to be so many really great ideas and opportunities that I want a piece of all of them. The problem with that is you end up spreading yourself too thin.
I have had a read up about ChainCoin this morning and I have to say...WOW. It looks like a very blatant pump and dump! From a features/functionality perspective it offers nothing new AT ALL. It has Masternodes....and that's it. I was wary of PIVX, but at least they are doing something innovative with their see-saw Proof-Of-Stake algorithm. ChainCoin doesn't even have that. Their website is very thin on content. No whitepaper and no real substance. Yes, the rise in price has been spectacular and there is a lot of hype about it (just like there was with PIVX back in March/April) but I am seeing no value here.
its the power of community mate. the technology is ok, they have a roadmap for 2017 which looks good. however this is the coin to get in based on community, the power to turn that coin from 8 cents to $3 in a matter of weeks is powerfull. this is a pump and hold, using the masternodes for passive income. no matter how coin any coin is without the community behind it, its nothing.