Could Wars in the Middle East be avoided with a Gold Standard?

Discussion in 'Markets & Economies' started by tozak, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. tozak

    tozak Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 6, 2011
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    Just a thought and would love to hear other peoples opinions

    I believe a lot of the wars such as the War in Iran was partly to do with the fact that Saddam was going to refuse to accept US dollars for Oil and wanted either Gold or Euros. This then made the war about Oil and Gold, once liberated, the US government exchanged Iran's Gold and US holdings for new Fiat Iranian Dinars

    This is not the only country, Libya had Gold holding that is now, where? Also going back there is a long list of countries and examples like this.

    Now look at Iran, how much Gold do they hold? It would be the mother load of seizes if the US does invade them, but it does occur to me for the US to keep invading sovereign countries they need to take the Gold to buy them more time as a debtor nation of unequaled military spending. Just to hold up their own currency they need to keep allowing a small amount of Gold to be sold as countries demand something real in exchange from their goods / services so as it runs out a new war must be waged.

    Now (WHAT IF?) these countries ahead of time got rid of all their Gold? Could the US even afford to invade Iran knowing there would be NO Gold at the end of the invasion? would they just drain themselves in a pointless war? Yes they would then control Oil fields but if the US is drained of Gold then would they still be able to control a field in another country if the US dollars is falling rapidly?

    The solution to me seems so simple, setup a Gold Reserve System with the Gold stored in the BRICS and issue a Gold backed currency with the BRICS, Iran would then physically transfer all the Gold to one of the BRICS (lets say Russia) and they are credited with the new currency. It's really no different than when the US established the Bretton Woods agreement except it would be a collation of Countries this time which won't allow a single country to have all the power and hopefully prevent this consolidation of power again. The agreement would also incorporate a combined military force of all the BRICS in protecting the Gold which would be stored in each country as a proportion of their economic size.

    I mean why invade Iran if all their Gold is in another country, and would the US really go invade Brazil, Russia, India, China or South Africa when they combine their military? Plus the BRICS would be in a position they could just threaten to dump US dollars at any point.

    Perhaps this is the plan anyway, all the BRICS are increasing the amount of Gold they annually buy and there is talk of a new currency (Perhaps backed by Gold) by the BRICS as well as a settlement program to rival SWIFT, time will tell

    Interesting Source: (Sovereign states by current account balance - Source Wikipedia)
  2. bordsilver

    bordsilver Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 23, 2012
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    The rocks
    No idea. But could be very easily avoided if they abolished the US Government that instigates the war :p Unlike in Australia there's more than enough private guns etc for the US to defend itself against aggression on their soil so just need to take away their desire to impose their aggression on others.
  3. xALmoN

    xALmoN New Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    You can't defend against foreign aggression with DEs and assault rifles.
  4. goldpanner

    goldpanner New Member

    May 12, 2011
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    Beyond the Black Stump....
    Here is a good video - IRAN OIL PAYMENT IN GOLD BY INDIA. It demonstrates the risk to the US dollar once these oil countries start trading oil in currencies other than the US dollar. Iran could be quietly banking a lot of gold~!

    Iran has already been selling its oil for Euros, thats why the US has imposed embargos, nothing really to do with developing nuclear weapons.
    However, China India and Russia - three big players are getting oil from Iran.

    Iraq was invaded because in 2000 Saddam started selling oil in Euros (weapons of mass destruction just an excuse of course). I think it is going to be a whole different ball game for the US to invade Iran, too many countries dependent on Iranian oil.

    From -

    LONDON(BullionStreet) : Rumours are spreading fast on China and India's gold for oil trade with Iran despite the fact that the two Asian giants are already using their local currencies and other consumer goods for oil payment.

    Together the two nations account for over $30 billion in annual oil purchases from Iran, which would be a significant amount of gold replacing the dollar in trade.

    Observers said Iran is insisting on gold payments from India and China as it allowed other means of payment only on a temporary basis to prevent countries from stopping their purchases of Iranian petroleum altogether.

    India and China have already increased the amount of oil imports from Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf states.

    India has reportedly agreed to pay Tehran in gold for the oil it buys, in a move aimed at avoiding US sanctions that target countries who trade with Iran. China, the number one buyer of Iranian oil, may follow India's lead.

    Observers said any gold payment to Iran not only accelerate the decline of the dollar and its role as world reserve currency but would also help boost the price of gold and further legitimize the movement to return to a gold standard.

    The move comes as US and European Union sanctions against Iran have made it difficult for buyers to make dollar payments to Iranian banks.

    Mahmoud Bahmani, the governor of Iran's central bank, is reported to have said that the country would accept payment in gold "without any reservation".
  5. Dogmatix

    Dogmatix Active Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Gaul (Australia)
    Short answer: Yes.

    USD as reserve currency has had a direct hand in many of the conflicts of recent decades - including wars the US was not directly involved in.

    Two reasons: expansionary/inflationary pressure on commodities (causing artificial resource scarcity), and the US war machine indirectly funded by the rest of the world (due to deficit spending).

    Removal if this 'privilege' would go a long way to preventing future conflict.
  6. hyperinflation

    hyperinflation New Member Silver Stacker

    Oct 21, 2010
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    Would you trust Russia with your gold?
  7. hussman

    hussman Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Short Answer: No

    Long Answer: There are people in the Mid East that would'nt sell out for gold or silver or money. They would only sell out for freedom from occupation and their corrupt Government.
  8. tozak

    tozak Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 6, 2011
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    I would trust Russia before I would trust the United States with my Gold, but yes I see your point.

    Idea though is that lets say Iran deposits it in Russia and it's exchanged with BRICS Gold Certificates, Iran does not necessarily have to go collect the Gold from Russia they just use the Certificates to buy things, however lets say in the future they did want delivery then they can claim it back at any of the other nations as well Brazil, India, China or South Africa.
  9. goldpanner

    goldpanner New Member

    May 12, 2011
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    Beyond the Black Stump....
    If the BRICS nations are already bartering in oil, gold, wheat and other goods to avoid the US embargo on Iran, it is only going to make these nations more and more independent.
    There may be no need for a gold standard once the US dollar has ceased to be the reserve currency. If there ever was an invasion of Iran it would be the start of a Third World War!

    Article Source:

    Too little attention is being paid to the progress being made by the "BRICS" nations. This acronym identifies the economic affiliation of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

    Granted, we've been hearing about the BRICS for years and the name is heard regularly on various news broadcasts. What they have accomplished in the last 36 months, however, will be consequential to the coming global economic recovery.

    Additionally, US foreign policy toward Iran has led to unintended consequences. Specifically, the US-led embargo against Iranian oil was ill-conceived and will end the exclusive use of the US Dollar for global oil trading.

    The oil embargo against Iran, imposed and enforced by the United Nations, does not stop the purchase of Iranian oil. It merely prohibits the use of US Dollars to buy it!

    The BRICS nations have stated publicly that they will abide by the UN resolution and mandate, but they will now use their own currencies to purchase Iranian oil or barter with gold bullion and/or other commodities such as wheat.

    This alone has strengthened their economic prospects and they are taking additional steps to break their traditional dependency on Europe and the United States.

    They have established their own inter-development bank that will eventually end their dependence on the World Bank.

    The assistance and influence provided by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) may also be replaced within these countries by another institution with similar objectives.

    These so-called "emerging market economies" are no longer emerging. Essentially, they soon won't need us anymore!

    Consider the natural resources that exist in the BRICS nations. Consider the fact that they have approximately 45% of the world's population. Consider also, the fact that both China and Russia are abandoning Communism and embracing Capitalism.

    It's easy to see that they are on the threshold of a bright economic future. A good perception of where they are today can be drawn from recalling the economic posture of the United States in the 1950s. Any genuine economic analysis of the BRICS has to recognize that these countries now have the opportunity to crush the US Dollar.

    As the BRICS nations grow and prosper, the US Dollar will gradually decline in global influence and value as they chart their own economic future, unhindered by western influence.

    Article Source:
  10. lucky luke

    lucky luke Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 15, 2011
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    And what "foreign aggression" might you be talking about?????
  11. Alfie

    Alfie Active Member

    Jul 27, 2011
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    It's girt by sea
    Did you mean Iraq or did I miss something?
  12. hyperinflation

    hyperinflation New Member Silver Stacker

    Oct 21, 2010
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    I wouldnt.. In the US they just took your gold in the 30s... In Russia, if you had gold (or anything of value, or had an education, or an opinion), they shot you - then took it

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