Current holds

Discussion in 'Digital Currencies' started by southerncross, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    Thought it might be interesting to see what others are holding both long and short term as a Crypto portfolio and think it could help all of us out as time go's on as well as those new to the "Game"as well.

    Apart from the nut's and bolts of Blockchain/Currency alternate currencies, I have recently tried to accumulate Alt's that are actually useful and or perform a service or are different for what ever reason rather than just emulate existing ones.

    Current hold

    Sort of a 'stable' trio (If you can call them that) but it does allow for trading pairs and also is well accepted as such on most Exchanges.

    Antshares The Chinese equivalent of Ethereum, A homegrown altcoin of China that is well accepted and is yet to hit the mainstream western exchanges, well adopted in China already and associated with Alibaba and Microsoft via associated recent ICO Binance.

    Veritaseum A Financial blockchain that allows Individuals or company's to transact without all the red tape and middle men that exist in the current world today and also to be assured that what was agreed to at the start of an agreement does not change throughout the life of the contract.

    Decred A bit of a Gamble really, but Decred is what BTC should of been if it could of been before it realised it's real world problems. The community behind it is large, well involved and dedicated, actually open sourced and not controlled by the 'miners' or the 'Core Development Team' as BTC seems to have become since the arrival of competitiors such as ETH. Similar to Litecoin but with a fresh approach.

    Iconomi An investment platform really, an indexed fund if you want to compare it to the real world currently. But with the difference that it offers those who don't have a clue themselves an opportunity to get involved in the Crypto world by investing much as one would with any other broad class of investments such as metals or agriculture. With ICN a person can invest across a spectrum of Crypto investments instead of just a single one.

    Potcoin A single use currency type coin but with a growing base, Been in it for ages since I mined it years ago, Basically it allows those who purchase from LEGAL pharmaceutical or recreational dope sellers to use a crypto either online or via paper wallets to purchase Marijuana without the need to store or carry cash.
    A multi Multi million dollar industry that is growing exponentially but due to vagaries in federal law in the United States leaves apparently legal sellers in Limbo with the fedral banks and also makes both sellers and buyers a target for criminals on a daily basis.

    Wagerr This one I really like, a recent ICO that sold more than it expected to. A blockchain betting coin dedicated to betting. A Multi Multi billion dollar yearly market with exorbitant fees charged willy nilly by unscrupulous bookies and targeted by .Gov's worldwide as an easy source of income. It also features a unique value coupling mechanism in the code that sets a stable value for the coin via deflation or inflation dependent on the value of bets and the average amount wagered as well.
    Given the black market betting that takes place along side the legal betting around the planet each year on all manner of things and the gouging that takes place by legal bookies on everything I am (pun intended) betting on this one in a big way as I especially like the value coupling that will add stability of price with this one.

    These are my current holds for now, they might well change and I also trade regularly where I see some Fiat value to be made as well on exchanges such as Poloniex, Bittrex etc on a daily or weekly basis.

    Interested to see what others are holding long/short term as well and why.
    Lunardragon and Soprano16 like this.
  2. Eliassamaha

    Eliassamaha Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jan 4, 2015
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    I don't keep any of the big 4

    I got

    And the losses eos and Ndx
    southerncross likes this.
  3. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    Care to give us any reasons/causes why you hold the above Eliass ?
    I got into Wagerr based upon your mention of it and bringing it to my attention in the first place after researching it. I think it might help others out and especially new people into Crypto's to explain why we chose a certain coin out of the hundreds out there at the moment, even if it is just an explanation of a few that you have chosen.

    Even the losses you mention such as Eos and Ndx, I am down a half BTC now on a POT trade that I set when it was goin gangbusters a month or so back, bought low and set a near high sell that still hasn't been met on Poloniex, $1500 or so sitting there I could do other things or could of done other things with in the mean time but hung up in a trade I still think will be met sooner or later. Still haven't lost anything yet as I haven't I keep telling myself anyway :)
  4. Eliassamaha

    Eliassamaha Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jan 4, 2015
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    Wagerr is good but it being on waves is suppressing it if it was erc and on the big exchanges it'll be doing well

    Waves has low volume and honestly who the hell uses waves

    As for the others I just do a bit of research

    I look through all the upcoming ico's and pick out the ones that I think will do well either on hype or a good project

    I don't go go for the big 4 because I don't think theyll boom not for a while anyway

    Against my better judgment I went in ndx and eos, anyway all it takes is 1coin to hit 2500% and it'll make up for them, the more lines you have in the water the better chances of catching a fish
    Midastouchofgold likes this.
  5. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    Yeah I get the last bit for sure, but do you do any proper research on the actual use or the people behind the "ICO's ?

    A lot of these recent ones all seem to be copy and pastes of previous ones, with very little difference between them at all. A bit like placing twins or quads in a forest and sending them off in different directions to see who survives if you get what I mean.

    Very few of them offer anything different at all other than a new name or the advertising promise.

    I am looking for actual services or problem solving that actually can make a difference with some solid tech teams and/or real world social groups behind them.

    The ICO crowd at the moment is a bit like a Motor bike Hoon looking for an accident to partake in, so many opportunity's that it is just a matter of time till it happens.
    Along with that the capital market gets all stretched out like a rubber band looking for a place to hook into, until it is only a matter of time till it snaps back back into place... IE the solid market leaders such as BTC ETH LTC etc.

    Very few ( In my opinion anyway) of the current ICO's will survive, much the same as in any market with new business' so over the long run the capital involved will pool back into the stayers and the proven business models or migrate to those new models that prove to be resilient.
  6. BuggedOut

    BuggedOut Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 21, 2015
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    New South Wales
    Just quickly :-

    Bitcoin - Store of wealth / gateway crypto (in danger of losing this mantle)
    Ethereum - Application platform / ICO ecosystem
    Monero - Privacy
    DASH - Point of sale transactions. alternative to Litecoin
    Corion - Stable currency experiment (possibly scam)
  7. leo25

    leo25 Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I'm very skeptical that Veritaseum will ever achieve what they claim. regarding companies doing without red tape and middle men, well they can get rid of that today if they wanted. The reason they haven't is by design, meaning they want it that way. Regulators will not OK it.
    Though like all things crypto atm in this bull market, if you buy it young it will almost always go up in price.
  8. RetardedMonkey

    RetardedMonkey Active Member Silver Stacker

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I'm skeptical of most of the newer coins. Hard to tell if they're cash grabs, I assume most are. Lots are just ideas, no actual working prototype.

    But I am in ETH/BTC mostly, want to expand soon though.
  9. dozerz

    dozerz Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    May 21, 2013
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    nobody in storj or sia? these working tokens have a use today and have been around for some time.

    also surprised to see no waves? have a look at secondary portfolio assets accumulated just for holding waves.
  10. ParanoidAndroid

    ParanoidAndroid Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2015
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    Over there
    I'm holding Sia. Looking at topping up a bit more while it's low.
  11. leo25

    leo25 Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 8, 2010
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    yea i was into to Sia for a while. I download the full wallet/ blockchain and was even looking into hosting. But after a bit of time i saw some major scaling issues which then made me give up. Like most stuff they look great in theory, just don't work that great in the real world. I wouldn't trust my data on their system and it's not really profitable to host.
  12. ParanoidAndroid

    ParanoidAndroid Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2015
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    Over there
    Currently holding in no particular order apart from the first two which make up the most of my portfolio in USD value. Some of these were intentionally wildly speculative punts for a relatively small outlay with possibly large returns.


    Potcoin (Only a token amount on the insistence of my partner)

    There are at least half a dozen more I'd like to include but that would be starting to spread everything a bit thin.

    If I were to bail out of any of these, at this stage Steem would probably be the first go get the chop.
  13. Stoic Phoenix

    Stoic Phoenix Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 12, 2014
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    How do most get fiat on to exchanges...would love feedback which may help all on this.

    BTC Markets is one I know of but hard to pay and can take up to 48hrs from depositing funds (via limited methods) to them actually being available to purchase coins.
    Whilst waiting Btc price rose a few percentage points as did altcoin I was after by 20+% so this was tilt inducing.

    Another is Cointree with option of direct deposit or bank transfer available. Tried direct deposit and transaction was completed within an hour so I feel a lot better in that respect.

    What other options are out there and at what expense? Someone mentioned coinjar as a place to get a good price when selling your coin which I would take as not so great if buying.
  14. ParanoidAndroid

    ParanoidAndroid Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2015
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    Over there
    I use BTC markets. Yes it's a pain gettig it established but, once set up transfers are usually completed within a day. Once in you can then send it to various other exchanges within minutes and start trading.

    Agreed, I've felt the frustration of watching what I want to purchase grow while waiting for everythig to be set up and funds to arrive. Unfortunately that's one of the downsides to crypto in Australia. Once you're in the system you don't really have to worry about that again u til it comes time e to convert back to AUD. Then you can be the one in the drivers seat dictating your sell price.
  15. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    Recently added Funfair and TenX (PAY) to the portfolio, FUN is an online Casino token with an existing captive audience as well as a platform for online gambling tools which promises to augment online casino platforms with a regulation free environment and fast secure trustfree gambling with very low fees.

    TenX is a Payment card just like a bank or credit card or can come as a smartphone app as well, Basically a real world payment platform, swipe your card or phone anywhere you can use an existing type Visa or Master card but pay with your crypto wallet instead of your bank or credit account via eftpos. It is already in real world use in Asia and 50 country's world wide and will solve the current BUT HOW CAN I SPEND IT problems in an instant. Linked to your crypto wallet it instantly converts to local currency and pays for your item anywhere an eftpos machine is in use.

    Got into TenX today with a literal 100% drop against ETH on Bittrex on the current swing down.

    For me this is the sort of thing people need to look out for, actual use as opposed to copy's of copy's that just do the same thing. You can have all the "Currencies" you want and swap among'st them all you like, but you only get a few Facebook's, Microsoft's, Visa, PayPal's and Amazon's, Youtube's, etc.

    Nine out of ten people on the planet in the internet connected world do not even know what Bitcoin is, Only one out of ten of those people who do know actually understand what a Blockchain is, and less than one out of ten of those people actually understands how it all works.

    It is literally like electricity when it was first unleashed, like the internet when it first came out, Nobody knew how it worked, but now everyone uses it.

    Crypto's are not all the same though, some do some things and others do others, just like you have a power grid or a rail network that can carry everything like power or trains or even a fiber optic network like the NBN, alongside all that you have services which rely upon such 'Grids'.

    The real networks are already laid down by the likes of BTC and Ethereum, the roads, rails, electricity etc are already in existence mostly, some new networks will arise but in general the groundwork is already laid out in the crypto world mostly. While BTC and ETH are the backbones of the network (for now), just like our existing power and road/rail networks you get renewables and the likes of Uber still as disruptive technology's as well. Much like Steemit and LBRY are disrupting Youtube for example with paid content going direct to contributors instead of advertisers paying Youtube and then a small sliver of that trickling down to the actual content provider.

    Decentralized is still just a word for most of us that just sort of sounds a bit cool, but pretty shortly there will be a paradigm shift in the connected world that will look like a Tsunami as the realisation hits amongst people that they need not be tethered to a central authority for every and anything from finance to social interests and media content. Just look at the cost of an ATM transaction alone anywhere as something that will not exist in the next five years.
    Spending your AU dollars on holiday with an extra cost will not exist anymore, tracking an item you have bought from a foreign seller will be available on the blockchain in an instant with a smart contract and the likely hood of you being ripped off will be decimated with a smart contract no matter what the transaction is as if it fucks up your funds will be returned to your wallet.

    We live in interesting times people. :)
    REDBACK and BuggedOut like this.
  16. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    Your best way is to just post a buy here on this thread. Get yourself a wallet ready such as iso you can make a quick transfer.
    Unless you are wanting 10 k worth at a time anyway. Also try ETH, LTC as well as an option, otherwise I have found this mob very quick and easy as well.
  17. zargor

    zargor Member

    Dec 4, 2010
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    If you are looking at cryptocurrencies as a store of value (I.e. not for trading purposes) then I'd imagine the best thing to do would be to store them in an offline wallet.

    But until you can obtain one, what do you think is the best way to mitigate risk in holding your currencies online? Is it multiple individual online wallets, each holding only small amounts and not held on any particular exchange? If so, do you have any preferred ones (apologies if this has been mentioned elsewhere)?

    Also, how easy or otherwise is it to open cryptocurrency accounts in a non-individual name?
  18. zargor

    zargor Member

    Dec 4, 2010
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    Any views on zcash as I understand some of the larger investment banks are now working on this?
  19. Gullintanni

    Gullintanni Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Well i just bought my first 1/10 bitcoin in order to buy some of the lower valued coins and can not believe the BS it took a newbie.
    I used Localbitcoins and these folk want your whole bloody life story as well as photo ID's and everything inbetween.
    I finally managed to use a chick i sell silver to at times and that was a lot easier but had i not known her id have been stuffed.
    Is this common for new folk to have this kinda trouble getting startup or first bitcoin to trade?
  20. BuggedOut

    BuggedOut Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 21, 2015
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    New South Wales
    Offline cold wallet storage is best. 2nd best would be to run a node on your PC for the crypto you want to hold and use a wallet locally on your PC.

    As with PMs, if you don't hold it (the private keys) then you don't own it. Those web wallets or any kind of "online" account is a risk because you don't control the private keys - or just as bad - you've shared them with a 3rd party.

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