business question to the silver forum

Discussion in 'Silver' started by jayisjay, Jun 7, 2016.


    REDBACK Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Jungle callllllllllllllllllllllllll

    Spannerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Monkeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    We neeeeeeedddddddddd yourrrrrrrrrrrr helppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!

  2. spannermonkey

    spannermonkey Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 5, 2010
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    here there everywhere
    Even before you put pics up ;)
    I can ,with one phone call
    1-identify your plant
    2-backdoor you on the deal :eek:
    3- Do a deal with the plant before you know what hits you
    Mining in any industry is a very cut throat business
    If you haven't worked in the industry before ,I wouldn't stick your nose into it ;)

    The mining industry eats newbies like you up everyday before breakfast
  3. BullionBuddy

    BullionBuddy Member Silver Stacker

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Further to Redbacks comments above that in which the basic fundamentals are covered as far as legal requirements go,sorry i cant help but to add a few new comments regarding what i believe is nothing but a scam,

    point 1 you suggest that 4000 t of ore is producing hundreds of kilos of silver and gold, there is not a mining company on the planet that would not see this as extremely high grade ore (most gold mines view 30 grams per t of ore return as viable once established, some more and some less but 30 gpt is not a bad guide)and would not simply sell it to a third party unless they had deemed it economically not viable to process, if it is economically not prudent to process with $100's of millions of dollars worth of equipment then how is it viable for you to process it with $1.5 million of equipment?
    $1.5 million in mining equipment gets you stuff all unless it is well past its used by date and will cost more in maintenance and breakdown time than its worth.
    I have worked in both ends of the mining scale from small operators employing 5 ppl to multinationals employing 1000's the diesel bill to operate two moxys a digger a crusher and a loader alone is over $2000 per day and that is doing short haul circuits on day shift only and none of the plant runs a full shift due to fuel usage strategies.
    What do you intend to do with the chemicals and run off of chemicals.
    Water is from a well hey, the quantities of water required to run a wash type plant is in the mega liters per week, your well will soon run dry and you will have to relocate or shut down.
    I could go on but i think you get the gist , what you are suggesting is so poorly thought out you are either extremely naive or simply attempting to part ppl from the money that they actually worked for so this is not the place for s**t like this.
  4. ego2spare

    ego2spare Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2013
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    What time slot with this program air on discovery channel? and how much of what you say on air will be scripted?
  5. jayisjay

    jayisjay New Member

    Jun 7, 2016
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    1. I am not a spammer nor a scammer.
    2. My "one" friend who has a plant is helping me.
    3. this is NOT a mining business all equipment needed are multiple backhoe's, dump trucks, and some other minor equipment.
    4. I wrote the above at 3am and made a mistake about being 4000 tons monthly(I am new to this) that was my mistake it is substantially more production.
    5. Build cost are low because they are gravity pools(low tech) and mostly concrete build out. Not much science to it.

    I am American, but find the racial slurs offensive, I guess stupid me for wanting civility. People act like children. If you knew so much about the mining world you know this is a minor operation in that world and not a concern for major players. So if you actually have something to ask I will be responding. I am new to this but I am not stupid nor ignorant.

    have a nice day.
  6. Oldsoul

    Oldsoul New Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    I think you will find that if you provide more hard figures in the form of a prospectus you would get a better response.

    Some natural questions how many tons are you going to process a day in input and waste?

    How many tons are you assured that are already available to process?

    What is the minimum number of grams per ton you are assured?

    What is the capital cost to meet your target daily tonnage?

    What is the operating cost per ton(the fact you downplay the massive cost of reliable plant equipment is disturbing. It is a massive cost, I'm no mining expert but know about heavy equipment capital and running costs)?

    What is your source for plant machinery and operators?

    Finally and most importantly which accountant has audited your business plan or are your willing to cover the cost of your business plan capital costs and overheads being audited for prospective investors (I'd ask the same if this was a book shop)?

    Who's the financial controller and under what jurisdiction is the business operating, who's the majority shareholder?

    No one wants unprocessed raw commodities as a return on a liquid cash investment.

    If you are even half way serious (and anything involving old silver mines has had more scams attached than emails involving Nigerian royalty).People are rarely polite when it comes to schemes involving old silver mines for that reason. you need to be really willing to provide hard numbers and expect them to be examined left right and centre before people give you money, that's business and there is no point in being thin skinned. No one is asking you for money and your initial post insinuated you were shopping for people to give you money.

    You may well be better off listening to some of the people who posted on this thread. There is an incredible knowledgebase on this site it gets quite pointed at times but that is imo a good thing. If you accidentally get involved in a business that is a scam you could loose more than your money and wind up doing time .

    I'm familiar with a very similar proposition originating as far as I can remember in a Panama based business that has featured on this site previously.

    I don't want shares in a Panamanian company and would not take kindly to that company promoting their story disguised as your OP.

    So assuming you are not involved in a Panamanian/Bolivian 'scheme' (which I would personally never give money to), please help yourself and readers by answering some of the questions above.

    It is difficult to understand why with an existing business that apparently has a wonderful profit margin why financing for expansion is unavailable. Interest rates are not high right now.

    Honestly I think anyone on here proposing anything involving very high returns from old silver mines would get roasted irrespective of their nationality.

    If you are therefore in any way serious you need to develop a thicker skin and if anything consider what your friend with political connections is proposing to you in light of what you learn answering hard questions.

    If you are considering investing in a Panamanian/Bolivian 'scheme' based on silver processing please take a cold shower and thank this site for saving your money then get some new friends (with or without political connections).
  7. Oldsoul

    Oldsoul New Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    Thanks just saw your post and couldn't remember the name.

    If this then you closed the thread quite nicely already.
  8. Rad Dood

    Rad Dood Member

    Apr 15, 2012
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    Can anyone confirm the ag% of the silver concentrate.(Most cons prior to refining is approx 26%)
  9. Oldsoul

    Oldsoul New Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    You'll have to see if he comes back. I'll assume whinfell nailed it with Royal Silver Company until he does.

    For me it would be better value to burn the cash than give it to Royal Silver Company. Less hassle.
  10. jayisjay

    jayisjay New Member

    Jun 7, 2016
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    Thank you for every ones input. It helped me realize that offering in material was not that right way and just adds headache to the administrative side of things. It also help me see that quarterly dividend payments will be best way to go.

    Thanks, that was what my question was about.

    I will finish my business plan and present it to "qualified" investors in the USA (in USA qualified investors are people who make more that 200k a year and have a net worth of at least million) there are very strict rules here which I must follow.

    To old soul, I now have all the answers to your questions which are necessary for the business plan but this is not the correct platform for my business presentation. Your right I need thicker skin for these forums, I was just caught off guard by the responses to a simple question. Thanks and have a great day everyone :)

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