My personal low market cap high risk higher reward picks for those that missed others.

Discussion in 'Digital Currencies' started by Nabullion Dynamite, Feb 10, 2018.



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  1. Nabullion Dynamite

    Nabullion Dynamite Active Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    I've been following this obsessively for the last year and have watched moon after moon and researched hundreds of coins. For people getting in now this is my picks for low marketcap coins that can potentially go big in 2018. I will do my best to explain why so I don't just sound like a shill. There are many better choices for long stable gains but I have narrowed it down to these 2 since I feel they have the highest opportunity for exponential growth for multiple reasons. This all considering the market stays healthy through 2018

    Reason #1 They have not yet moved to a larger exchange so the exposure has been minimal even though the projects are progressing extremely well. They are focusing on development first and exchanges second and therefore the price is bottle necked.
    Reason #2 Community involvement is huge
    Reason #3 Constant achievement or over achieving on project goals and active development teams
    Reason #4 Both are highly innovative and bring a new element to the crypto market.
    Reason #5 Both have major development happening in early 2018.

    Proof of Stake Wallet*PoSWcoin*(soon to be re branded to Stakenet)
    Coinmarketcap # 27 Million MarketCap--- Ranked 292--- 44 Million circulating---$0.61USD
    Exchange Cryptopia BTC Pair


    -Trustless proof of stake
    -Ledger Wallet integration and cold wallet staking.
    -Cross chain staking(staking coins that are generally not stake able)

    Posw is basically a website for staking out proof of stake coins. Proof of stake is rapidly overtaking mining or proof of work due to ease of use and low system and resource retirements to do so. Even Ethereum is making the switch in the coming years. Rate of return on most coins is between 1% and 25% reasonably with other coins boasting up to 1200%. Even still staking coins requires effort, a PC turned on with the wallet open 24/7. Setting up multiple wallets and staking multiple coins is a challenge too. At it's heart it is basically a pooling site where you can securely stake all your coins in one manageable spot.

    What makes this different than other pools is the first ever"Trustless proof of stake or TPoS". Normally having your coins on an exchange or any other pool you are trusting your coins to another party. With TPoS you can stake your coins while still having control of your private keys meaning an exchange hack or exit scam and you are still secure. They are even working on staking from a cold storage source like the Ledger Wallet. This can later be added to other tokens if requested

    This brings me too the next point. They are already integrated into the Ledger Wallet which is one the most secured hardware wallet. There are around 20 other coins all of which have over 200 million market caps. We are the only coin not simply because we are not on a larger exchange.

    Finally the reason why I think it will go up simply this. They are re branding to StakeNet, integrating all the new features and there is already a large pool of community money(currently around 50 grand) that will be used strictly for advertising. There is already all but confirmation of new exchanges being added after the coin swap takes place which is on the road map 1st quarter 2018.

    Coinmarketcap 85 million marketcap---ranked 158---430,000,000 circulating---$0.19USD
    Exchange Cryptopia BTC Pair

    -proof of signature "POS"
    -community driven
    -Modular system

    Alright I'm going to be a bit more lazy on this one simply cause this write up is taking longer than expected haha. Check out the website to get an Idea there is ALOT going on with this coin.

    Reason why I think it will succeed is first it is fully community driven and an amazing back story. It was originally a scam ICO coin under a different name and the dev stole all the money. A couple of new Devs bought it up at 1 sat and began full development in a new direction. No premine, no ICO, Devs don't hold outrages sums. They basically saved the ass's of everyone who got scammed which is very rare these days.

    Don't let that make you think it is any less quality and innovative. Basically they have created an all new consensus algorithm called POS(proof of signature). This allows for more static nodes and extremely fast network transactions, scalability and virtually no network congestion. They are setting up to be a modular platform where virtually any type of platform such as cloud storage, marketplaces, etc can be integrated. First modular being created by them is cloud storage however the tools will be available for anyone to begin development.

    Biggest exchange it is on is Cryptopia and it hit an astonishing 380million marketcap on that exchange alone. After this market correction it is back in the 20 cent range 85million marketcap. The community is huge and actively working on getting on new exchanges. Recently just got narrowly beat out during the voting process for Kucoin however it is being noticed and is growing everyday.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2018
    whay and mmm....shiney! like this.
  2. Nabullion Dynamite

    Nabullion Dynamite Active Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Also full disclosure I do own a large sum of these but that is simply due to the reasons I stated above!
  3. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    All in your mind
    Ummm.... Yeah.
  4. Nabullion Dynamite

    Nabullion Dynamite Active Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Okay? What's wrong, don't agree? Have any you would share?
  5. Court Jester

    Court Jester Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 30, 2012
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    lol scam much?
  6. mmm....shiney!

    mmm....shiney! Administrator Staff Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 15, 2010
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    Why not?

    @nabullion, ignore the comment from the court fool.
    Nabullion Dynamite likes this.
  7. Soprano16

    Soprano16 Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Scam? How's your Bitconnect still going? :D

    As for exchanges, coins this small generally don't hit the big ones like Binance etc because it costs a lot to get listed there

    I'm pretty sure it costs 100k plus whatever else requirements would be needed for a coin to list on Binance
  8. Nabullion Dynamite

    Nabullion Dynamite Active Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Listen guys, take it how you wish. I gave a very clear thought out explanation on my personal belief on why I think these will go up. I'm not holding a gun against your head forcing you too buy and I'm not promising Lambos. If you read my points and don't agree fine, but so far I have not heard any constructive arguments on why not. I even stated there are more concrete choices out there but they are already in the hundreds of millions market cap. If this was a year ago I might have been explaining to you the Iota I bought through escrow on Slack before it ever hit an exchange, or the Ark at 0.07 cents, or the Ripple at .005 cents but those rockets are already well out of our solar system. It's a gamble to try to catch them while they are low but the risk can be mitigated a little bit if the tech is actually good and I believe the Tech on these is good.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2018
    SilvaMozzie likes this.
  9. Nabullion Dynamite

    Nabullion Dynamite Active Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Sure even if stuck on cryptopia does not mean they can not still grow dramatically, in the case of POSW marketcap is 20 million. Top coins exclusively on cryptopia hold around 400 million marketcap. Cryptopia is not the worst of the small exchanges. Many exchanges like Binance and Kucoin have a voting process to get listed. Xtrabytes barely missed out and the community is still growing.

    To court jester- I disclosed that I hold both to show I put my money where my mouth is, I did not have too do that. This will be fun to look back at in a year and evaluate these further.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2018
  10. southerncross

    southerncross Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Jul 26, 2012
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    All in your mind
    Sorry I missed this, it was actually a positive response.
    I couldn't find anything wrong with your reasoning and research so maybe a .... Yeah"!" would of helped?

    What do you think of FUN ?
    Nabullion Dynamite likes this.
  11. Stoic Phoenix

    Stoic Phoenix Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Try twice that - listing fee 20btc
  12. Nabullion Dynamite

    Nabullion Dynamite Active Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    @willrocks I never claimed to be an expert. I said my piece and that is all. Take is as you will.
  13. Nabullion Dynamite

    Nabullion Dynamite Active Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Update on this. Stakenet is doing very well. The swap is complete, the trust less proof of stake is working awesome and they have recently began phase 2 which is getting the main website where all the pool staking and future cross chain staking will take place. That ontop of working on the decentralized exchange that will manage a lot of it. So far price movement has been stagnant just like most everything else.

    On the other hand XtraBytes is getting totally destroyed. The lead Dev has basically had the project frozen while a patent is being put on the coding. It's been around 2 months and all though the community support members continue to maintain a great social media presence(some of the best I have seen) and keeping us updated holders are getting antsy. Without the actual code in the wild, investors, especially ones that bought the peak have gotten extremely cold feet. This will be interesting to see how it plays out.

    Still a lot of time left in the year, I'll check back towards the end too see how my choices panned out.
    DrSilver and mmm....shiney! like this.

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