Goldstackers - missing account

Discussion in 'Gold' started by The Crow, Aug 9, 2020.

  1. The Crow

    The Crow Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 17, 2014
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    Hi all, been a while, but life gets like that. New job, feels like twice as many hours for 25% less pay.Just goes to show, life doesn't always get better with experience.

    With the rising gold price, I thought I'd check in on my allocated gold and pool-allocated gold, silver and platinum balances in my account with Goldstackers. It's been a while as I have never got along with their website after they changed it a while back. But I could trick it into showing me what I had on hand.

    I probably haven't logged on since this time last year and now I can't remember what I did to get it to reveal PMs on hand and I can't find it. It aint gonna make me rich or probably even stave off starvation, but it just may pay off the balance of the motorhome if gold keeps rising.

    Anybody out there able to give hints?

    Cheers all
  2. Gazza79

    Gazza79 Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Aug 2, 2013
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    That happened to me too a while back and after the update I could not see what I had either.

    I just gave them a call and all was sorted, turns out I had gold coins waiting there for 2 years lol

    Very nice people at GS, never had an issue.
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  3. Stoic Phoenix

    Stoic Phoenix Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Long time no see Crow,
    As Gazza said give them a phone call for quick easy resolution
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  4. The Crow

    The Crow Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 17, 2014
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    Yep, I did send an email, but being out of touch for so long, I didn't know if I was missing something. Perth Bullion going arse up came as a real surprise, and a disappointing one 'cos I always found them so helpful, etc. In times like this, businesses like Goldstackers are in real danger if there aren't good, solid & steady hands at the helm, and it really wouldn't come as a surprise if many bullion companies struggle during the current 'BOOM'.

    Or that not having logged on in so long, I had fallen over an edge, like when a bank account goes onto 'hold'

    Anyway, since I was previously able to trick the site into revealing the balances, I was hoping someone might say "xxx" and all the suspense would be over. The fact that someone else has had a similar experience is in itself very comforting. Having only ever had positive interactions with Goldstackers in the past, now that I feel reassured, I am more than happy to await an outcome from my email (phoning from work nowadays is not so simple).

    Cheers All.
    Gazza79 likes this.
  5. The Crow

    The Crow Member Silver Stacker

    Jun 17, 2014
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    Yeh, been doing a research project for 4 years, that kept me more than occupied. With that and being very active on eBay, there has been little time for Forum-ing.
    Mostly sold off the odds and ends of gold on hand and was converting to allocated, but even that's taken the back seat to buying up resale stocks. That may have been a misdirection with gold taken off like it has. Oops ..... But it does seem amazing what people will pay for 'old stuff' as long as you are brave enough to ask the price, and that has been a big lesson. And it is amazing how much people are spending at the moment. I don't know if it is just boredom, or if it is seen as an investment, or if, like poor people lashing out on takeaways, it is a salve to make them feel as if they actually have choice in troubling time (like a security blanket thing).

    Anyway, been making money, but reinvesting it in the 'business" rather than metals, which may yet prove to be misguided if this bubble bursts early (before sales vs stocks stabilises)

    What I REALLY need is for silver prices to start scooting up - got half a tonne of THAT on hand.
  6. Gazza79

    Gazza79 Well-Known Member Silver Stacker

    Aug 2, 2013
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    Yep I thought the same mate and that my account was gone and all was lost because I didn't sign in or have any contact with them for nearly 2 years due to illness and what not but when I rang them up to see what was going on they were more then happy to help out.

    Not seeing what you have was an update thing I think but trust me it's all there.

    Ps. Good to see back.
    The Crow likes this.

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